

Student association accused of encouraging violations by hiring a stripper for the Racing in Aarhus | Culture | DR Female students have complained about a strip show at a large event in Aarhus. By There was a party, beer and euphoria when the annual race in Aarhus on April 29 could again fill the University Park with 30,000 party-minded young people, after corona for two years had put an end to the tradition among the city's educations. But according to seven female students were There is a hair in the soup during this year's resurrected racing. a female stripper who, in front of a large audience, threw on her clothes, smeared herself in sunscreen and gave a lap dance to a young man. , who has sent a complaint to Aarhus University on the basis of the episode. At the same time, they have complained to the Economic Association, which is the student association that had the stripper with them at their entrance ceremony. Something that has been a permanent "tradition" for Economy's intro show for Racing since 2010. © PHOTOJOURNALIST MIKKEL BERG PEDERSENEvery year thousands of young people from Aarhus' educational places gather in the University Park to watch the "battle for the golden basin". Here are gloomy teams from the various training on which team can first cross the park lake in a kayak, bottom a beer, turn the bottle ten times and take the trip back across the lake.It is a discipline that the participants on each team practice up to for months, and more has developed a characteristic technique for bottoming the beers, where you create as much foam as possible in the bottle, as this does not need to be drunk. However, the enthusiasm does not only apply to the participants for the sailing. The audience also usually shows up almost at night to get the best seats - and to reach as many beers as possible. This year, the comedians Melvin Kakooza and Martin Johannes Larsen were presenters. The singer Tobias Rahim was responsible for, among other things, the musical elements. In 2020, Kapsejlandsen was canceled due to corona, while in 2021 it was held without the audience. " pleasure in stuffing their sexual fantasies in the heads of others without ", it reads in a debate post about the episode, which Aarhus Stiftstidende also brings. The woman behind both the complaint and the debate post is Christine Vestergaard Høst. She does not want to be interviewed by Nyheder, but would like to answer a number of written questions. - I was just a little shocked that you still have to witness something like this. It is something that should belong to the past. We do not mind that it happens again next year, she writes as a reason why she has thrown herself into the case of the strip show. There was also a nude race for the Racing. Was it also embarrassing as the stripper? - No. The point is, it is paid, sexualized nudity that we have not asked to witness. In fact, I think that the nude race is a good feature because it is desexualized and self-expressing. the clothes for the Racing. She is now correcting that announcement to Nyheder. - I do not think I will do that. I do not want it to go beyond the stripper. I think debate is the most important thing, and hopefully it is plentiful. The chairman of the Economic Association has already stated that he takes the complaint very seriously, so it is great. To Århus Stiftstidende, Christine Vestergaard Høst also says that more women were groomed for the Race. In this connection, she says: - And then it does not exactly cheer them down that a stripper is coming. It does not add up to anything good. In the Stiften you insinuate that men have raged on women for the Race because the strip "has not exactly horned them down". Is not it a very violent parallel to draw? It is far too rude to say that there are some who have been insulted because we have hired a stripper. Viktor Bentholm Elefsen, chairman of the economic association- I do not mean that. It's the same cultural problem - men objectifying women. If you can already come up with an unsolicited approach to women, then I think such a feature works and encourages.- Of course you are always responsible for your own actions, but when we now live in a culture where more men can invent I do not think that is a particularly appropriate feature. there are some who have been harmed because we have hired a stripper.- There are nude races, there are boats called the fisser rocket, there are teams that sing about the other teams having to be fucked. There are lots of non-sober events, and none of them are a cause for insults, says the chairman of the Economic Association, Viktor Bentholm Elefsen. Will you hire a stripper for your intro show next year? - That's something I'm considering. now. I must also have agreed with my board, says the chairman. Has not the time run a bit from the strip to such big events here? - Well, it is a legal profession, and it is adults who are for the event. But if it had never been done before, we probably would not have done it now here. Do the complainants go in too small shoes when they complain about this? There, I simply think they go in for too small shoes. There is also a naked race on the day. What about the argument that strip is an expression of a sexist culture? - I do not mean that there is a culture at the university. This does not mean that I do not believe that they experience it as, but there are also really, really many who do not think it is, says Viktor Bentholm Elefsen. To Århus Stiftstidende says head of department at the Department of Economics, Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University, Niels Haldrup.- My starting point is that the students are adults who can and must be responsible for their choices.- Having said that, I would clearly encourage the students in the associations, standing as organizers, to reflect on what signals they send with their choice of features at their events. Personally, I think that this episode is an expression of unusually poor judgment and, moreover, completely and utterly out of step with the spirit of the times, it sounds. Nyheder has tried to get a comment from Danske Studerendes Fællesråd on the matter, but they have no comments. News has also tried to get a comment from the Student Council at Aarhus University. They also do not want to comment on the matter.

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