

Your boyfie, Harvedral
Thank you for always loving me, Hadian.

1. You always make time for me even though you're so busy with a busy schedule! I love you for that.

2. Everyday I'm reminded of how I'm the luckiest person in the world to have you in my life. Thanks for all your love and affection, honey!

3. You're a shining example of a perfect man and loving boyfriend! Thanks for always taking care of me, honey! I love you.

4. Even if we're miles away from each other, you're always in my thoughts and in my heart. I love you beyond words, my sweetheart!

5. You're my shoulder to lean on, my pillar of strength, and the center of my world. Thanks for always being there for me, love!

6. No matter what life throws at us, we'll both overcome it because we love each other. Thanks for your everlasting support, baby!

7. People say that true love doesn't exist but each day I'm with you kills all those doubts. love you so much, baby!

8. You are my everything! Thanks for coming into my life and turning it around for the better!

9. Our relationship is the greatest gift that I'll ever get in this lifetime. Thanks for being here for me, my love!

10. You really know what makes me happy and that's what makes you the best boyfriend ever. Thanks for all the things you do for me, honey!

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