

Violent sound clip played in the courtroom: 'Suck my cock' | BT Kendte - www.bt.dk The case between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp certainly does not lack drama. On Tuesday, it once again became a tense affair, as a sound clip was played between the former couple during the case. The clip came to light while Amber Heard was being questioned by Johnny Depp's lawyer. Here one could hear how the two talked to each other during a discussion. "Suck my cock," says Amber Heard. »Sut my cock. Suck your own, ”Johnny Depp replies. In the clip you also hear how the discussion between the two becomes very personal. Amber Heard says in the clip that she regrets believing all the lies the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actress sold - and calls Johnny Depp a retired loser and a person who has sold out. “You’re a joke in the industry,” she says. Depp replies back that it's her who's a joke and talks about her role in 'Aquaman'. In court, Johnny Depp's lawyer asks if it's true that he was the one who provided the role for Amber Heard. "Excuse me? No, I got the role by auditioning, ”Amber Heard explained. It also emerged during the cross-examination that Amber Heard has had her contract terminated in the film 'Aquaman', where she played Mera. She still appears in the film, but is in doubt about how many of her scenes are in the new 'Aquaman 2'. 'They have terminated my contract. I had to fight to play my role. I do not know how much I're involved in the new film. ”The trial, in which Johnny Depp has sued his ex-wife for defaming him by calling him a wife abuser in a column in the Wahington Post, continues for rolling cameras again on Wednesday. SPORT B.T.'s verdict B.T.'s verdict ABROAD See the documentation SPORT ABROAD Giant overview Close friend: ABROAD B.T. reveals Experts UKRAINE ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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