

Peter Sommer's big shock: Became paralyzed from the breast down as a 13-year-old | BT Celebrities - www.bt.dk »The closest I have been to losing my footing and not knowing what happens to my body was when I was 13 years old and became paralyzed from the chest down. Like lightning from a clear sky. ”This is how the musician Peter Sommer tells in the Radio4 program 'The last meal'. Here he was out playing tennis one morning during the summer holidays, but soon after got huge back pain. “Then I also got really sore in my chest. Like 1,000 needles drilling in. I shouted at my mother, and she always said that when she heard me shout in the way she knew something was wrong. " his body simply stopped working from the nipples and down. His body became, in his own words, like cooked spaghetti in one second. His mother called a doctor, but there was not much help to be found here, as the doctor only gave Peter Sommer some Panodils and said that he should relax a little. When that did not help, he ended up in the neurological ward at Aarhus Municipal Hospital and lay there all summer. "Of course I was not close to dying, but I did not know that at the time when I was lying with snakes out of my body and things in my brain," says the 47-year-old musician. “There were children on the ward who died there. It was a little violent. You're really in someone else's hands, I could not go to the toilet, I could not clean myself, I just lay there and was such a torso. ”Although Peter Sommer underwent a wealth of tests, the hospital did not find anything. Everything was completely normal with him. He also gets the mobility again, but after the discharge follows a course of two years, where Peter Sommer has to learn to walk, run and just behave like a normal boy again. The musician has never been diagnosed with what caused the sudden paralysis. In his adult life, he has also experienced problems with the body, which remain unanswered. “It has almost been the worst thing about it. To be in pain, to have strange twitches, to collapse, and then they just say they can not find anything. It has been strange, "says 47-year-old Peter Sommer. "These have been the moments in my adult life where I have broken down a bit with a doctor and have said that it can not fit." reveals Experts UKRAINE ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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