

Close to Hell: So toxic was the mood before Isabella Arendt slammed the door | BT Politik - www.bt.dk During the election campaign three years ago, Isabella Arendt was christened 'the substitute from heaven'. But internally within the party, several members in the hinterland have for a long time believed that their now former chairman, Isabella Arendt, was closer to hell than heaven as leader of the party. . "I think it says a lot that she announces that she will stop sending a message to Ritzau instead of telling us in the party first," said Karlo Brondbjerg, who is a member of the party's main board and sits on Herning City Council. According to Karlo Brondbjerg, Arendt did not tell anyone in the party's hinterland that she not only stopped as party chairman, but also resigned from the party with immediate effect. Instead, they could read it in the media Tuesday morning. 29-year-old Isabella Arendt became chairman of the party in the autumn of 2019. She became acting chairman of the party during the parliamentary election campaign in June, where Stig Grenov resigned due to stress. "Isabella is young, and there have probably been many things she has had to learn in relation to who is responsible in a party like ours," says Karlo Brondbjerg. What do you mean by that? “Who has the right to say what and how our processes work in the party before we announce anything in public. Even though you are the national chairman, you can not drive everything yourself, "says Karlo Brondbjerg. Isabella Arendt, Uffe Elbæk and Kristian Thulesen Dahl after party leader debate at TV2 at the Central Station in Copenhagen, Tuesday 7 May 2019. Has the abortion issue been part of the reason why you are unclear? “So, in terms of abortion, Isabella probably belongs to those who have a slightly freer interpretation of our policy. I do not personally support women's right to free abortion, but I accept it. But it's not so much there, it's gone wrong for us. She is good at creating some headlines. It's the internal communication that has been the problem. ' 'No, it's clear. I am also annoyed that we have not been better at taking the dialogue along the way about the things that have been wrong, "says Karlo Bronbjerg. Isabella Arendt herself takes the criticism "completely calmly." But it is true that I have not called around to the entire main board, "says Isabella Arendt. "But there I also feel that it is not a decision we have to make together in the party. It is a decision I have made together with my loved ones, "says Isabella Arendt. She believes it is a matter of temperament whether she should have spent more time in the hinterland of the party. “I am not flawless. It's perfectly fair if you do not think I've always been engaging enough. I think it has been important for KD that we got a stronger communication to the outside world, "says Isabella Arendt. "But you can do politics in many other places than Christiansborg," says Isabella Arendt when asked if she is on her way to a new party. In the most recent parliamentary election, the Christian Democrats received 1.7 percent of the vote. After Arendt's departure, Marianne Karlsmose has become acting chairman of the Christian Democrats. SPORT B.T.'s verdict B.T.'s verdict ABROAD See the documentation SPORT ABROAD Giant overview Close friend: ABROAD B.T. reveals Experts UKRAINE ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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