

Overview: Again and again Claus Hjort has mentioned secret spy collaboration | Politics | DR Claus Hjort has several times mentioned the intelligence cooperation, which according to him has led to the accusation of him. Of It can be difficult to fully understand what it really is, the accusation against the Liberal Party MP and former Minister of Defense Claus Hjort Frederiksen is about. The information is namely "highly classified", as we have heard it several times from and .Therefore can do not get in what information has been passed on. And that is how it will continue to be, Justice Minister Mattias Tesfaye (S) has stated. Among other things in an interview with P1 Morgen i dag.- I will not present this information, I would rather protect this information than reveal it in front of so many (members of parliament, ed.) With the risk of it coming out for, said Tesfaye. Specifically, Claus Hjort Frederiksen is charged after 109 for passing on highly classified information. Hjort Frederiksen himself has said that he is accused of having talked about himself in an interview in. In a number of interviews, he has, among other things, an extremely secret cable collaboration with the USA. Here is an overview of the times Claus Hjort Frederiksen has talked about what, according to him, is the basis for the accusation. To understand where it all starts , we are just going on a trip back to 2014. Here, the American Edward Snowden reveals via documents in, among other things, that an American has an agreement with Denmark, dating from the 1990s, to tap a Danish fiber cable with telecommunications and internet traffic such as phone calls and text messages. If the accusation is about the statements that Claus Hjort Frederiksen himself says they make, then it's all about just that cable collaboration. Hear even Claus Hjort Frederiksen explain why he does not think he has revealed state secrets, because Snowden already had leaked it in the video below. In September 2020, Claus Hjort Frederiksen will not confirm that there is a cable cooperation with the USA. But he would like to confirm that they are informed about cable cooperation owned as Minister of Defense.Martin Krasnik asks: - An agreement is made between the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, FE and a private telecommunications company in the late 90s, that you tap it (a cable with international communication, ed.) and lead a wire out to FE's headquarters on Amager. That's what we write in the newspaper. Can you confirm that story? Claus Hjort Frederiksen answers: - I can not go in and confirm those things, but that is in principle what we are talking about. Martin Krasnik: In principle? And when, in principle, will you be told as the newly appointed Minister of Defense? And then Claus Hjort Frederiksen says: delicate collaboration, where there is sometimes a risk that Danish citizens will get stuck in that system. Listen to part of the interview on the player below: Claus Hjort Frederiksen in interview with Weekendavisen 11 September 20200: 00At the end of September 2020, the newspaper Berlingske brings an interview with Claus Hjort Frederiksen, who sharply criticizes Trine Bramsen (S), who at the time was Minister of Defense. Here, Berlingske's journalists ask Claus Hjort about the importance of "cooperation with the Americans on access to telecommunications cables". , super, super important and the core of the company. There is an international intelligence cooperation - what is called Five Eyes, a cooperation between the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, which is a very close cooperation. And by virtue of our contribution, FE is treated almost in the same way as if we were members of Five Eyes, Claus Hjort Frederiksen said at the time to Berlingske. In an interview in Deadline on 14 December, Claus Hjort Frederiksen is in debate with the Unity List's defense spokesman, Eva Flyvholm. Here Claus Hjort Frederiksen again mentions the existence of the intelligence cooperation, and that Danes may have been monitored by tapping the cables. Host Niels Krause-Kjær asks: - You have a background as Minister of Defense and knowledge from there that you can not share, but you do not know more about the specific case than Eva Flyvholm does. Claus Hjort Frederiksen answers that: - No, but I know how FE has worked with the criticisms that the audit has raised over the years. It is primarily about whether Danes enter these systems, and they are passed on to others. - And there are some filters that make them stop Danish citizens from entering. But what happens from time to time is that then there is an IP address or a phone number that slips through. But the process that has been in FE, has always been to make this better and comply with the Authority's criticism on these points. Claus Hjort Frederiksen participates on 15 December 2021 in an interview with TV2 News host Søren Lippert, where he both mentions the collaboration on obtaining information from telecommunications cables between Denmark and the American NSA, and that Danish citizens may also risk being monitored. Søren Lippert asks whether Claus Hjort Frederiksen and former or subsequent defense ministers have actually ever told the Authority , that the cooperation between the NSA and Denmark exists. Claus Hjort Frederiksen answers: - So now I want to be careful with what I say. I must at least ... But then I have to risk imprisonment. In any case, I helped to inform them that the agreement existed. And I just want to say that when we talk about these things, we have a very, very great benefit from being with the NSA. He says that precisely because of that cooperation, we are considered a "trusted partner", and therefore has "received a lot of useful information", - The agreement that we are talking about here - we can also just turn around - it is important for Denmark, as I hear you. And as I have read, it is an agreement reached in the 1990s between then-Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen and Bill Clinton, who was President of the United States at the time. Is that correctly understood? Søren Lippert asks. Claus Hjort Frederiksen: - Yes, that's how I understood it. Søren Lippert: - You have not been informed about that? Claus Hjort Frederiksen: - Yes, that's how it is. Søren Lippert: - Do you think, or do you know? you? Claus Hjort Frederiksen: - I know. You can watch the entire TV2 News' interview with Claus Hjort Frederiksen. for my part, say that everything I have said has been in the newspapers since 2013, when Snowden wrote a number of secret papers from the American intelligence company, says Claus Hjort Frederiksen. - Is that what you are accused of? Talking about what Snowden leaked? Asks Asger Juhl.- I do not want to go into it because my defender says that I risk charges if I repeat it, Hjort answers. Asger Juhl asks: - It's a bit like you actually repeated it right now. That was pretty much what you said, and then you say it right afterwards when I ask: 'No, I can not say that' .- But you say it a little anyway. Or is it me who hears wrong? - No, you hear that very well, that is, Claus Hjort Frederiksen answers. Asger Juhl: So what you are accused of, it is about what Snowden reveals? Claus Hjort Frederiksen : - Yes, I can just as well say that, yes. You can hear Claus Hjort Frederiksen's answer to The Independent below: Claus Hjort in The Independent 10 March 20220: 00It is up to the members of the Folketing whether Claus Hjort's immunity should be lifted So far, the Social Democrats, SF and Frie Grønne have said that they are ready to vote for the abolition of Hjort's immunity. The Unity List, DF, Nye Borgerlige, Venstre, Liberal Alliance and seven have said they will vote against the repeal.We still need answers from Conservatives, Radicals and four.

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