

Russian military analyst draws attention to state television: 'The whole world is against us, even if we do not want to admit it' | Abroad | DR A Russian military analyst says in a Russian debate program that the Ukrainians, with the help of the West, are superior. Of the Russian military has not had the easy path to victory in Ukraine that they had hoped for. Here, 83 days after Putin's troops invaded Ukraine, it is increasingly heard that .This message was also presented to Russian TV viewers in prime time on Monday. His statements have made many Westerners close their eyes. But it is difficult to conclude how big the former colonel's statements are on the Russian. on and on, how serious the situation between Russia and the West really is.It happened when the analyst participated as a guest in the popular debate program '60 Minutes' on.- We are in geopolitical isolation and the whole world is against us, even if we do not want admit it. We must find a way out, said Mikhail M. Khodaryonok. According to Flemming Splidsboel, who is a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, the statements can be staged with a certain purpose. - We do not know if he has been invited to study for to tell his own analyzes, or whether he has been invited with a purpose, says Flemming Splidsboel. Along the way, the program was directed by Olga Skabeyeva. She is a well-known host in Russia and she has strong threads for the Kremlin. It tells Valentyna Shapovalova, who has a Ph.D. in Russian media communication at the University of Copenhagen.How great an importance we can place in the statements, there are many guesses.Valentyna Shapovalova does not believe that it is in relation to changing the Russian view of what is happening in Ukraine.- In the West, this clip has gone viral, but in Russian there is virtually nothing about it, says Valentyna Shapovalova.- When you sit as a Russian viewer, it is not because this changes your worldview. But it shows that there is a massive pressure from the Ukrainians on, she says. One theory may be that Russia may be looking into a withdrawal. Conversely, a theory could also be that Russia does not win unless they use more effective weapons such as nuclear weapons. Flemming Splidsboel, senior researcher at DIIS , the retired colonel has been invited into the studio to prepare the Russian for the withdrawal of the Russian troops, says Flemming Splidsboel, senior researcher at .In the debate program '60 Minutes', the Russian military analyst also told that the Ukrainians morality on is greater than that of the Russians. And that it was one of the explanations for why Ukraine has made greater strategic progress. - As the classic Marxist-Leninists said, it is ultimately the morale of those who fight that decides the victory, he said in the debate program. The latest among the Russians also shows that support for the invasion of Ukraine is declining, despite the fact that support is still high.- One theory may be that Russia may be preparing for some form of withdrawal. Conversely, a theory could also be that Russia does not win unless they use more effective weapons such as nuclear weapons, says Flemming Splidsboel. This morning, our neighbors in Sweden and Finland have officially submitted an application for membership in. the biggest fan of Finland and Sweden's application to become part of the defense alliance. of borders, increased military activity in the border area and increased activity in the Baltic Sea are some of the things that Finnish President Niinistö to the Finnish media Yle mentions as likely Russian .We are in geopolitical isolation and the whole world is against us - even if we do not want to admit it. We need to find a way Mikhail M. Khodaryonok, military analyst and retired colonel But according to Mikhail M. Khodaryonok, Western aid is an important factor in why Ukraine is as strong as they are.- The general strategic position shows that Ukraine has the resources to to arm one million soldiers. They would not be able to do it alone, but help from European countries gives them the opportunity. For us, this means that the situation will get worse, said Mikhail M. Khodaryonok in the debate program. Mette Frederiksen (S) told this on Monday. During the Russian TV show '60 Minutes', the Russian military analyst also said that does not make sense to target Finland.- Let's not talk about missiles in the direction of Finland. We are in geopolitical isolation, and the whole world is against us - even if we do not want to admit it. We must find a way out, said Mikhail M. Khodaryonok.

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