

Greenlandic politicians react to spiral case: 'The right to one's own body has been completely violated in these cases' | India | DR The two members of the Folketing demand a statement from the Minister of Health. By Grotesk. Retraumatizing. Guardianship. In the past week, several Greenlandic politicians in Denmark and in Greenland have reacted with outrage at ', which was published on Sunday. Here is the story of how several thousand Greenlandic girls and women in the 1960s and 1970s got an obvious spiral on initiative from the Danish state. And several women say that it happened without their and with physical and mental trauma as a result. One of them comes from Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam, who since 2019 has been in the Greenlandic party Siumut. There is no doubt that their human rights may have been violated. Greenland by means of spirals, what the legal justification was for the effort, and when "" ended.- If Denmark and Greenland are to be reconciled, and if we are not to repeat history, we must also acknowledge what damage they are doing here "in the best sense" -politics She is now working with her party Siumut to gather evidence to deal with the traumas of the past in the Greenlandic .Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam's parliamentary colleague elected to the Greenlandic party Inuit Ataqatigiit, Aaja Chemnitz Larsen, has also reacted to the spiral case and has also asked for an account of the process and about the possibility of ensuring trauma treatment of the Greenlandic women. She calls the case "guardianship of the worst drawer". , she says.- It testifies to a view of humanity that is about Greenlanders being different from Danes, and that you have to stop the number of births in Greenland in this way by treating them as someone who can not be Aaja Chemnitz Larsen says that the matter is being taken very seriously across the Greenlandic parties. The Greenlandic Naalakkersuisut supports the need for an investigation, according to From the Naalakkersuisut side, we believe the failure was successful, and we want all parts of the case rolled up so that we can clarify what is up and down, writes for Children, Young People, Families and Health in Greenland Mimi Karlsen in a statement to the media.She adds: - For my part, I would like to acknowledge the women's struggle and thank them for standing up, even though it must have been tough. It's a harsh but necessary story to bring to light. Naja Lyberth is one of the women who has come forward with her story. On Wednesday, she called in a longer post on her Facebook profile that the current authorities will take responsibility and help the women who are still traumatized by the incidents. - Thousands of women will reactivate the feeling of being unprotected and 100 percent vulnerable. It is part of the trauma. - So say something to the women, who are each left alone with an open wound, she writes, among other things. 1960s and 1970s, can be brought together. Lawyer Mads Pramming, who has in human rights and international law, believes that women's experiences can be taken up by the European Court of Human Rights. - I have no doubt that their human rights may have been violated He refers to the fact that, for example, Article 3 of the European Union, which covers inhuman and degrading treatment, may come into play. Article 8 on the right to privacy and family life may also have been violated, he says. if the case gets so far that it has to go to court, it will be the task of the defense - the Danish state - to disprove the women's stories.- I do not think it should be the women who must prove that they have not given . In such a case here, I would say that it should clearly be the Danish state that must prove that there is a given. And if they can not, then they have a problem because they can not find the evidence. He compares the case with the so-called, which he himself represented as a lawyer. The case of the experimental children is about how 22 Greenlandic children were removed from their homes and sent to Denmark as part of an experiment in 1951. Earlier this year, the six experimental children who are still alive, .- It is a bit the same story: That you have a colony, and that you as a colonial power want to control it colony and the. It is about some slightly more big political things, where along the way you do not think very much - or at all - about the individual or, he says. The Danish Ministry of Health, which Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam and Aaja Chemnitz require a statement from, has reported Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke (S) states in a written comment to: - The stories of the Greenlandic women make a great impression on me. 'S coverage presents a deeply problematic practice in the field of health, which in the eyes of today is completely incomprehensible. Therefore, I have now asked to investigate it further. What that study is about does not come closer. You can listen to .1966 Up through the 1950s and 1960s, the population in Greenland increases. The number of newborn peaks in 1966, where 1,781 children are born - an increase of almost 80 percent in 15 years. living in Greenland at the time.1970 The law is amended so that doctors in Greenland can guide young girls from the age of 15 on contraception without the consent of their parents.1970 The then Minister of Greenland A.C. Normann says in a speech to the Folketing in 1970 that the birth rate is now declining again, and that it is not least due to the spiral.1974 The Danish state becomes aware that it risks being criticized for the spirals in Greenland at a UN conference . At the conference, there is harsh criticism of family planning in previously colonized countries such as Greenland, and the UN urges that everyone should be allowed to decide how many children they want and when. Sources: Statistics Greenland, Jens Misfeldt: Weekly magazine for doctors (1977), Negotiations of the Greenland National Council (6 March 1973) / Department of Eskimology, Statement by the Minister of Greenland (23 April 1970), National Archives

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