

Lyora masa depannya jaemin
( ◜‿◝ )♡

eyyo dor! Happy 4th month anniversary, it's been four months since we started this relationship. time flies bubby, thanks for being here with me until now.lyora bersyukur lebih dari bersyukur memiliki mas sebagai milik lyora..gmn si😭😭gtu deh.and I'm glad to know that this handsome boy was mine 4 months ago thank you for letting me know you and be ur girlfriend.and thank you for being my world,lyora harap mas merasakan hal yg sama kaya lyora.because I feel very lucky to have you as my girlfriend,there are no words that can describe your feelings if not love,kalau ada kata yg lebih besar dari cinta,itu bakal jadi definisi perasaan lyora for this big baby boy once again, happy 4 months!maaf kalau lyora ga baik buat mas:( mas sempurna mas luar biasa,and.. I'm very impressed with your actions towards me relentlessly

Oiya mas mau tau ga apa yg paling besar di dunia ini

nii ya⨾

💭 ⨾ earth 🌎

💭 ⨾ sun ☀️

💭 ⨾ galaxy

💭 ⨾ universe

💭 ⨾ my love to jaemin🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️‍🔥 hehe becanda

Ni bener

💭 ⨾ earth 🌎

💭 ⨾ sun ☀️

💭 ⨾ galaxy

💭 ⨾ universe

💭 ⨾ my love to u💗

i love u so much can u promise me or not ? promise never to fall in love with someone else.tetep sαmα lyora pokonya ga boleh kemana mana😣mas punya lyora punya lyora pokonya,i love u everything💐💐💗

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