

Police warned of strong smoke development in building fire | BT Krimi - www.bt.dk | Updated Updated 16.49. Police say the fire is under control. The site is extinguished, but there is no longer any danger to the surroundings on site. North Jutland Police warned former residents near a building fire in North Jutland V. Hornum Farsø to close doors and windows due to heavy smoke development in a building fire. Together with a strong wind, it gave the fire brigade on the spot at Hovedgaden 73 challenges with the extinguishing work, the police announced on Twitter, which received the report at 15.17. The police also called for a distance to the fire site. This was especially true for people on Krogstrupvej and Hovedgaden. Guard chief Thomas Ottesen told B.T. that there are pressure bottles on the property and it could well be dangerous with such some. The chief of guards explained that if the fire caught them there was a danger that they could explode. Police further said there was no suspicion of a toxic smoke, but the violent smoke development could cause nuisance to residents nearby. Therefore, they urged residents near the fire to close doors and windows. SPORT EXPERT New tracks SPORT abroad B.T. in Ukraine Media berlingske abroad Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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