

Correspondent on Elon Musk's invitation: 'It does not look like Trump leaving a megaphone' | Abroad | DR The world's richest man believes that Donald Trump's exclusion from Twitter was a mistake. By former US President Donald Trump should again be allowed to tweet and retweet to his many millions of followers on Twitter.At least if it stands to Elon Musk, who in April entered into an agreement to buy social media for over 300 billion I would lift that exclusion, says Elon Musk at a conference organized by the financial media Financial Times according to .Elon Musk also says that he thinks it was wrong to exclude Donald Trump.- I think it was a bad moral decision , and it was extremely foolish. Twitter had been Donald Trump's favorite form of communication for more than 10 years. The account @realDonaldtrump had over 88 million followers. . Among other things, in May 2020, he threatened protesters in Minneapolis after George Floyd's death with the military, when he wrote: "When looting begins, the shooting begins". It was also on Twitter that Trump in 2016 proclaimed that Mexico would pay for the wall, and in 2017, he wrote that Meryl Streep was an overrated actor. .On January 8, 2021, Twitter chose to close Donald Trump's account on social media.- After reviewing the account and the circumstances surrounding it, we have this account due to fears of further incitement to violence,. about election fraud by Donald Trump that was instrumental in Donald Trump supporters storming the Congress building in Washington D.C. on January 6th. and came into intense close combat with the police.Five people died while 140 officers were injured.That Elon Musk now again opens the door for Donald Trump comes as no great surprise to Henrik Moltke, who is DR's technology correspondent.- It is usually said that Elon Musk is the man of surprises, but exactly this news is not surprising at all. Even when Trump was expelled, he said he thought it was wrong. - It will look strange on Twitter if Donald Trump is not allowed to return ahead of the 2024 presidential election. speech on one of the main media platforms would be, he says.The question is then just whether Donald Trump is at all interested in getting back to his former favorite platform.So far, the former president's answer is no.It is because Donald Trump in meanwhile has started his own social media, which is called Truth Social, and which he wants to make a success. But according to Henrik Moltke, the platform right now is far from a success.- In short, it is not going very well. It's had a lot of technical difficulties, and Trump still has less than one percent of the followers he had on Twitter. Truth Social is a Twitter clone that is not as big at all. Therefore, it is Henrik Moltke's assessment that Donald Trump will sooner or later return to Twitter. - It does not look like Trump to leave a megaphone. Therefore, I think it is quite likely that Trump will return to Twitter, but he must do so in a way so that he can make it look like a victory. At the conference, Elon Musk also spoke about the current employees of Twitter , which he calls "left-wing" .He said, among other things, that they are influenced by the fact that Twitter's headquarters are located in San Francisco, which is considered one of the most liberal cities in the entire United States.- Twitter comes from an environment very far to the left. Twitter needs to be more evenly distributed. Right now it's too left-wing. For Henrik Moltke, it seems clumsy that Elon Musk goes out and comments on Twitter's employees without being sure that he will be the owner of the company. - For a Danish observer like me, it looks clumsy that he throws its perhaps future employees under the bus.- It is a common prejudice that Silicon Valley and people in the tech industry are left-wing, but no matter what, it does not mean that they moderate in an unfair way. It seems a bit reckless, he says.

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