

She starred in iconic hit series: Now Iman Meskini tops Forbes list | BT Kendte - www.bt.dk »Playing Sana in Shame gave me a voice that I want to use.« This is what the Norwegian actor Iman Meskini said in 2017, when she broke through in the Norwegian youth series 'Shame'. Here she played the Muslim high school girl Sana, who struggled to find the balance between her Muslim culture and her Norwegian youth life. And Iman Meskini has used that voice to such an extent. Since then, she has written a book about wearing the hijab, giving lectures and being the first woman in the Norwegian defense to wear the traditional Muslim headscarf. Now she is also on the magazine Forbes' lists of important young people under the age of 30, writes. The list contains young profiles who have distinguished themselves in various industries. Iman Meskini is in the category of 'social impact' and on the celebrity list. Among other things, the magazine emphasizes that Meskini has used its large fanbase with over 500,000 followers on Instagram to enter into a dialogue about how young Muslims are represented in Norway and other western countries. »It is a great honor to be allowed to be on 30 under 30 Forbes list 2022! This is incredibly big for me and very nice with such a recognition! «She writes in a text message to the Norwegian newspaper. She makes no secret of the fact that she's been chosen for the list. »But God works in mysterious ways. I hope the placement can lead to more acting assignments and a bigger voice internationally as well, ”she says. Also on her Instagram profile, she has highlighted the news: »OMG! Woke up and saw myself on Forbes' 30 under 30 list. It must be the best eid gift ever! ”She wrote on her profile. SPORT UKRAINE B.T.s judgment B.T.s judgment Shock in DSB train: Do as more than 350,000 Danes Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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