

Mysterious death in nursing home: Employee in prison | BT Krimi - www.bt.dk The management must tighten up more to ensure that the elderly residents are cared for properly. This was the simplified message to Randers municipality and the management at Tirsdalen Plejecenter, when the nursing home in Randers just before the New Year was thoroughly inspected at an inspection. Today, the raised index finger seems even more serious, as a female employee at the nursing home, meanwhile, has been secretly, charged and remanded in custody for attempted murder at the municipal institution. The employee was arrested on March 14 in the afternoon. And the next day, she was produced in constitutional interrogation at the Court in Randers, because the East Jutland Police wanted her remanded in custody. The court hearing was held behind closed doors - that is, with the maximum degree of secrecy. This meant, among other things, that even the actual charge against the woman was made secret and still is. According to the prosecution, because otherwise it could decisively ruin the investigation. B.T. has, however, gained access to the court book from Randers, from which, among other things, the case number of the case appears. From this, it is possible to read that the woman has been charged by the East Jutland Police - and thus remanded in custody for now two rounds - for attempted manslaughter. It is not possible to read whether this is more than a single case of attempted murder in the nursing home with 54 residents. “It was for investigative reasons that we requested double-closed doors. We can not get any closer, because the very reason for double-closed doors is that the negotiation of the double-closed doors also takes place behind double-closed doors, «says East Jutland Police's press officer Jakob Christiansen. However, B.T.'s information that the custody is due to one or more attempted murders at the care center, raises concerns among relatives of residents of the care home. "Please just shut up. I get quite chills. It is deeply disturbing, "says Ninna, whose 90-year-old grandmother lives in one of the sheltered homes attached to the nursing home:" I immediately think if the person has also been inside my grandmother. It's very scary, it's good enough, ”she says. When she heard about the case, her first thought was whether the case was about an employee who has repeatedly come to the wrong medication, but now she thinks it suggests that it is a more deliberate act that has taken place on the care center. "When I read in the newspaper that it was about several readmissions and one death, I thought: 'I wonder if it is someone who has come to misdiagnose sometimes, and then it has gone wrong,' so I have not really been that worried, "she says and continues:" But then I can still see that when the constitutional hearing is held behind double-closed doors, then it is probably something that has been done quite deliberately. "How it accused employee faces the serious charge of attempted murder does not appear in the court book. And her defense attorney - lawyer Lars Thousig - informs B.T. that he has no comment on the case. According to municipal director Jesper Kaas Schmidt, in a briefing from 15 March - ie the same day as the employee was remanded in custody - the city council politicians in Randers were informed that "within the last few weeks (there have been) a number of suspicious readmissions and a death at Plejecenter Tirsdalen «. Apparently, the case began to roll in earnest when the Danish Agency for Patient Safety received a so-called concern inquiry on 2 March this year. It was about possible failures in the way the nursing home handled medication. It appears from one that the agency has prepared after a so-called health professional reactive inspection of the nursing home on March 17 - that is, shortly after the arrest and imprisonment of the employee. But even before Christmas - December 8 - the nursing home on the southeastern outskirts of Randers was under scrutiny by another inspection. Here, the private consulting firm BDO, in agreement with the municipality, was on a routine, notified inspection visit. Here, the manager of the nursing home stated, among other things, that one of the nursing home's wards has for a long time been 'challenged by complex citizen processes'. But at the same time, the manager states that "there is again a stable and calm everyday life at the care center". In the report on the supervision, BDO generally assesses that »Tirsdalen is a well-functioning care center«. But at the same time, it is emphasized that it lags somewhat when it comes to care and nursing. "There is a need for a sharpened managerial focus on ensuring the professional quality of the core service, follow-up on the health professional efforts and timely documentation thereof," it is stated directly in the overall assessment after the audit. That quality checks and control visits do not always capture even very serious conditions in a public institution was demonstrated to an eerie degree in the case of the nurse Christina Hansen's repeated attempted murders of patients at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in the years 2012-15. Just a few months before the arrest of the then 32-year-old nurse, who was sentenced in the Eastern High Court to 12 years in prison, the hospital in Nykøbing Falster was blue-stamped for its high quality. "We are proud that we now have documentation that the quality is top notch," said the hospital's deputy director in December 2014, after a quality check had shown that for good quality in the research tool The Danish Quality Model. Since then, however, the Danish Agency for Patient Safety has demanded a number of procedures be completely overhauled, after an inspection had revealed serious errors and a bad culture in the wake of the nurse's repeated attempted murder. SPORT International Star Wars day People shout Save 40 percent charge See Transfer window LIVE Media Berlingske Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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