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Because of @Telegram’s newest Privacy Policy and to eschew from any misapprehension and misinterpretation, i would like to acknowledge that this channel is purely created for roleplaying purposes. I do not have any connection with Roh Yoon Seo. I would also like to declare that i'm not connected to MAA Korea. 

Media use related to Yoon Seo such as photos, videos, and gifs in this channel isn't mine, and have the rightful owner, and taken from Pinterest, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, Naver, and other platform of social media.

BYI/BYS: This channel might contains of random conversations, LGBTQ+, NSFW, BROKEN ENGLISH and HARSHWORD without any CW/TW.

DNI/DSI: side account/fake account, homophobic, grammar police, non-character.

You can contact my personal account @Reathecreator if you have something important to talk with me.

If you feel uncomfortable with all of this, you can leave my channel as soon as possible, thankyou.

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