

Hækkerup about his sudden departure: I want another life | Politics | DR Nick Hækkerup resigns as Minister of Justice because he wants to try his hand at something else. He denies that there were political issues behind the decision. By Nick Hækkerup (S) wrote on Sunday evening on Facebook that he will no longer be Minister of Justice and a member of. Instead, he will be director of the Brewers' Association. He will be replaced by former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Integration Mattias Tesfaye (S). According to Nick Hækkerups, it is not "dissatisfaction" that is due to his job change. Because after 20 years in politics he will try something new , he writes.- Recently, however, I have been able to feel a growing urge to be challenged in new ways. I love Danish politics. But I want to try something else. Nick Hækkerup, ex. Minister of Justice (S) Why are you resigning? - It is because I have been given the opportunity to become director of the Brewers' Association. Can you understand that people are wondering about your sudden departure? - Yes, I can do that. But I've gotten to that point in my life where this has filled too much of my head. I want another life, says Nick Hækkerup. Have you been killed in Danish politics? - No, I have not been killed. I love Danish politics. But I want to try something else. Was there anything specific that made you make the decision? - This is a process that takes a long time. I have talked to family and friends about this for a long time, and now came the opportunity. Many people are wondering about the timing of Nick Hækkerup's departure. Among them is the chairman of the Danish People's Party, Morten Messerschmidt. - I can not help but think, does it have anything to do with the mink report that comes here in June, where the whole way of killing the minks is highlighted, says Morten Messerschmidt and continues.- There you might think that it was a little nice to get some new people in the post, says Morten Messerschmidt. Even Nick Hækkerup, that the cases precede his departure. Had it been cooler to finish the FE case and the Minks case, where you need to clear up some questions that you could appropriately ask yourself? - Yes, I would have liked to have closed the cases. There are always cases in the Ministry of Justice. But when an opportunity arises, as here in the Brewers' Association, then you have to strike. Have you been pressured to make this decision here? - I have not been pressured. I myself have chosen to do this. And the cases will get their answers no matter what. Mette Frederiksen (S) that there should be other reasons behind Hækkerup's departure. - I do not think you need to dive so far into the conspiracy theories this time. It is as it is described last night (Hækkerup's Facebook update, ed.), Says Mette Frederiksen. Everything indicates that he has run sour in life as a top politician and for personal reasons wants something different with his life. Christine Cordsen , political correspondent According to DR's politician, Christine Cordsen, there are no political cases that can justify Nick Hækkerup's decision. over some time felt that he was not passionate about politics anymore. You have to when you are a politician, says Christine Cordsen. And therefore he should not be part of Mette Frederiksen's until next, he said to the journalists when he. Why do you not sit out the election period? - The opportunity and the job was there now . And then you have to choose. Before Nick Hækkerup officially announced that he withdrew, the former Minister of Justice Søren Pind knew well what was going on. For Hækkerup has been in constant dialogue with Søren Pind, he writes himself on Facebook. - I can guarantee that the idea has been a long time coming. And have been considered and discussed well and thoroughly with me, Søren Pind writes on Facebook. The two - now ex-politicians - are old comrades from law school. Exactly four years ago, Søren Pind announced his own farewell to Danish politics. Søren Pind also writes in his post that Nick Hækkerup's departure should leave room for reflection. - Perhaps one should ask about the way in which people today view politics - like a sports match, a circus, an entertainment - does not have a co-responsibility for those of us who actually want to make an idealistic difference, opt out of it, writes Søren Pind on Facebook. © Ritzau ScanpixAge: 54 years.Education: Cand .jur. from the University of Copenhagen in 1994. Selection of political career: Minister of Justice from June 2019 to now. Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Policy Board from 2015 to 2019. Minister of Health from February 2014 to June 2015. Minister of Trade and Europe from August 2013 to February 2014. Minister of Defense from October 2011 to August 2013. Deputy chairman of the Social Democrats from 2005-2012. Member of the city council in Hillerød Municipality from 1994-2007 - and mayor from 2000-2007. Marital status: Married to landscape architect Petra Freisleben Hækkerup and has four children, Fie, Mille, Emil and Malthe.Sources: The Althing, the Government and the Folketing.

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