

The delivery room in Roskilde lacks staff: Women are sent on long journeys to give birth | India | DR Patient safety is in danger if the mothers are not sent elsewhere, it sounds from Region Zealand. The busyness and work pressure is now so great in the maternity ward at Roskilde Hospital that Region Zealand will move 45 mothers a month to the other three maternity wards in The women will from today be sent on a long voyage to either Holbæk, Slagelse or Nykøbing Falster. - At the moment, Roskilde Hospital is so challenged that we will have to move a number of births in the coming months to create such a good framework for everyone as possible, says Jesper Gyllenborg, Executive Vice President of Region Zealand. Facts: Pressured maternity ward at Roskilde Hospital The maternity ward at Roskilde Hospital has around 2,500 births annually. Due to staff shortages, 45 births will be moved per month from May 2022 until September 2022. corresponds to moving every fifth birth from the ward. According to the midwives on the ward, one third of the permanent staff is currently missing. The maternity wards in the rest of Region Zealand, namely Holbæk, Slagelse and Nykøbing Falster, will take over the births in the coming months. All four maternity wards in Region Zealand are struggling to recruit staff. Region Zealand is preparing a new birth plan, which will apply from 2023. Source: Region Zealand and the Midwives' Association The shortage of midwives in Roskilde is great: According to the midwives, every third position in the maternity ward is vacant. The decision to move the many pregnant women is necessary to ensure that all births go as they should, says Jesper Gyllenborg: - If a birth should be complicated, it is important that we have enough resources to do so. The women who will give birth to their children in hospitals other than Roskilde are now contacted by Region Zealand. One of them, who has already been told that she will most likely give birth elsewhere, is Josefine Fleron Luttermann. She was told last Friday that she should not expect to give birth in Roskilde, even though it was really her plan. But that the birth might have to be moved to Holbæk. A trip that is twice as long as the one to Roskilde. With less than a week to term, it was not nice, she thinks. - It's a bit stressful, and I also think it's a bit late to get to know a week before. It could be nice with a little better planning, says Josefine Fleron Luttermann, who is. She has felt the bustle among the staff the times she has had midwife appointments at Roskilde Hospital: - I can feel that they are stressed at Roskilde Hospital, and here in the last few days I have really been able to feel that they are missing hands. Because you make an appointment, and then they change it at the last minute. The move was probably not relevant anyway, when Josefine's birth was started yesterday, Sunday. The inertia at Roskilde's birth is not new. Since 2019, the department's midwives have written four letters of concern to the management. This is stated in the first of the concerns the midwives have sent to the management: the maternity ward at the hospital ". In this letter of concern, which is one month old, the midwives warn of the consequences if nothing is done for the maternity ward in Roskilde. and taken extra shifts, says chairman of the midwives in Kreds Sjælland Kit Dynnes Hansen. - When you have it that way for a very long period, you can not make things stick together anymore. And in the end, the region has estimated that this is a patient safety problem, she says. It is the maternity wards in Holbæk, Slagelse and Nykøbing Falster that will receive the women, but also here they are struggling to get staff. And in that way, the region just passes the problem on to the other departments, the criticism is: - It does not help to spread it over all the other departments, because they can not recruit more staff, so we all have a problem, we have to solve, says Kit Dynnes Hansen. But the executive vice president in Region Zealand Jesper Gyllenborg. He bets that the staff at the other three maternity wards are ready to take extra shifts to make the solitaire go up: - I reckon and hope that both midwives and obstetricians will support the plan we have to to knit together over the summer holidays, he says.

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