

Great mystery in the Unity List: Who has asked for sexism exclusion? | BT Politik - www.bt.dk A bomb exploded in the Unity List in Aarhus when the veteran Viggo Jonasen was kicked out of the party a month ago after accusations of sexism and harassment. But who set in motion the exclusion still hovers in the uncertain. Viggo Jonasen has maintained his innocence, even though a majority in the party's powerful main board judged that his behavior was so glaring that he should be excluded. As B.T. has previously written, the exclusion has created drama and debate in the Unity List in Aarhus, which on that basis has held an extraordinary general meeting in the local department. Viggo Jonasen has also decided to appeal the eviction to the Unity List's annual meeting, which takes place from 13 to 15 May. But who really wanted Viggo Jonasen excluded? B.T. Aarhus has gained insight into the documents on which the exclusion is based. On Tuesday 15 March at 20.54, Viggo Jonasen will receive an email from Lisbeth Torfing, who is responsible for the Unity List's Executive Committee. The email states that 'The Unity List's Executive Committee has decided to suspend you due to harassing and sexist behavior that harms the party both internally and externally'. Two documents are attached. One is written by former city council member Lone Norlander Smith, who has sat on the city council with Viggo Jonasen in 2021. In the first sentence of the statement, she writes that she has' been asked to comment on a process that has been initiated regarding Viggo Jonasen '. However, Lone Norlander Smith will not disclose to B.T. who it is that has asked her to write the document and who it is that has initiated a process regarding Viggo Jonassen. The second document in the email that Viggo Jonasen has been sent is a request with descriptions of the city council members Laura Bryhl and Katrine Vinther Nielsen's experiences. But there is neither sender nor date on the document. 'I have no idea who wrote that complaint and I'm shocked that I can not find out. It is possible that it is Laura and Katrine themselves who have just chosen a strange narrative form, but I'm pretty sure it's not them. I have been told that, "says Viggo Jonasen. Several Unity List members also believe to know that Laura Bryhl has not asked for an exclusion, but B.T. to get a comment from Laura Bryhl as she is on sick leave. The documents also surprise Keld Hvalsø Nedergaard, who has been a member of Aarhus City Council for the Unity List from 2017 to 2020 and is a member of Viggo Jonasen's local branch of the Unity List Aarhus West. ‘It is very strange that there is a ghostwriter on one inquiry. In my world, it is not good case management with an anonymous letter and third party statements. It is unclear when it was written, who wrote it, who it was written for, and what the purpose is, "says Keld Hvalsø Nedergaard and adds:" We also do not know who asked for Lone Norlander Smith. a letter so that it all appears very concealed. ”Solveig Munk, who has just now been called into the city council as a deputy for the sick Laura Bryhl, is also critical of the course and handling of the case. "The case has been approached with methods we normally fight in the Unity List, and in my eyes the exclusion is politicized. Some in the main board have seen themselves blind and decided on the outcome of the case before they have even investigated the accusations properly and are interested in Viggo Jonasen's explanation, "she says. Lisbeth Torfing, responsible for the Unity List's Executive Committee, rejects the criticism of the process. “We have run the case completely according to the party’s bylaws. There are no anonymous inquiries, and Viggo Jonasen has been sent the entire basis for the case, "says Lisbeth Torfing. Keld Hvalsø Nedergaard also criticizes that the local board in Aarhus has not been involved in the process. »When you propose an exclusion, the decision basis must be as safe and informed as possible, and I do not understand that the executive committee has not approached the board in Aarhus. "As far as I know, no investigation has been made into the case or evidence has been presented to the complainants," he says. To that criticism, Lisbeth Torfing responds that according to the party's articles of association, the executive committee has the option of recommending exclusion, and it has not been necessary and relevant to contact the board. ABROAD Save 40% ABROAD B.T.s judgment sport Exclusive interview WEEKENDAVISEN Drama Naomi Judd B.T.s royal correspondent: Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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