


i love you, i hope you know that 🤓.

im not very good at expressing when I love a person so much because l feel there are not words that can conjure to translate from my heart or brain to quite define how i feel. 

and today, i would say i love you. and you would say, “how much?” i couldn't find the words to answer. but i’ve been in my darkness time then the veil of the light came to me, and that was you.

i love you. i really do. its not just a clice saying when im saying it to you. it means more than just “i enjoy being around you” it means “i have a butterflies when you text me, i want you in my arms forever, is wish i could just pause when im with you and stay that way forever, i want to be there for you when you need someone to talk to, i need you.” and i always will. 

i wont lie, i think about you almost every moment of my day. from the time before i open my eyes, until well after they are closed. i get trough each day staying busy, doing the things that must be done, trying not to wonder why the heart that loves you so much can feel so alone. its not just your voice that i miss, i listen to old voicemail you send sometimes just to hear.

i just need you to let me love you. let me be there for you when you’re allowed. let me hold you when i can. let me live every second of every day i have with you like its my last. i love you forever and always. no one else could ever take my heart the way you took it. you’re my everything. my forever and always.

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