

Ukrainian spy shows: With Americans in their ears, Ukrainian soldiers are better able to withstand Russian attacks | Abroad | DR USA shares huge amounts of intelligence with Ukraine, and that leaves an imprint on the war picture. Danish researcher calls it revolutionary. Historically, many weapons and other military equipment are sent from western countries to Ukraine to support them in their fight against Russia. But it is not just gunpowder and bullets that are being sent the way of Ukraine. The Americans are also sharing intelligence with Ukraine. And it's probably huge amounts of information that go the way of the Ukrainians, just as it's something that will continue. It assesses several war researchers to News.- We already share, and we will continue to share, significant and well-timed intelligence with Ukraine so that they can defend themselves against Russia's conduct. This is how it sounded from US President Joe Biden when he recently announced another round of military support for Ukraine. Joe Biden The American sharing of intelligence with Ukraine, they have noticed at the Defense Academy, among other things. This is what Anders Puck Nielsen, who researches there, says. - The Americans are very open about the fact that they support Ukraine and that they support them a lot. I do not know how much they actually share with them, but my expectation will be that it is quite a lot, it sounds from Anders Puck Nielsen.- When the Americans have some knowledge that they think the Ukrainians can use, then will they be very quick to share it.When it became clear that Russia was invading Ukraine, there were many who predicted that it was only a matter of days before Russia would have overcome the Ukrainian resistance.Now the war has entered its third month, and the Russian forces have even withdrawn from the areas around the capital Kyiv. And here the American intelligence has played a role. This is the assessment of André Ken Jakobsson, a researcher at the Center for War Studies. - There has been a development in how much intelligence the Americans have been willing to share with the Ukrainians, and it seems that they have now been willing to to throw all restrictions.- There is much to suggest that these divisions of intelligence have had a positive effect on the Ukrainians' defense capability.André Ken Jakobsson, Center for War Studies, SDUIn concrete terms, André Ken Jakobsson highlights a situation where the Ukrainians should have shot down a Russian plane carrying up to hundreds of Russian soldiers. A plane that apparently was on its way to the Ukrainian capital Kyiv with a view to taking it over. confirmed from official team that Ukraine has shot down a plane with Russian soldiers on the basis of US intelligence. However, according to André Ken Jakobsson, there is also a roughly the same picture. According to André Ken Jakobsson, the speed with which Americans share intelligence with Ukraine is also reported. And it is realistic, assesses André Ken Jakobsson. - From the Russians decide to attack, for example, an air base, until the missiles are in the air, there can be very, very short time. So it's definitely something the Ukrainians have benefited from getting this intelligence in real time. That way, the Ukrainians can constantly move around on planes or anything else to avoid and get hit in Russian attacks. - We can take the Americans' own words for where this is. The head of the US security service NSA says that he has never seen a better sharing of intelligence in the 35 years he has been part of the environment, says André Ken Jakobsson. Where the US is open about sharing intelligence with Ukraine, there is, by its very nature, not as much openness about the details of the intelligence. However, there are some areas of surveillance and intelligence work where the Americans are so well equipped that it is probably from here that aid to Ukraine comes. , how much they concretely share, but my expectation is that they share a lot. When the Americans have some knowledge that they think the Ukrainians can use for something, then they will be very quick to share it. Anders Puck Nielsen, Defense Academy. Anders Puck Nielsen from the Defense Academy does not know the details of the American intelligence that shared with Ukraine, but points to the satellite area.According to Anders Puck Nielsen, the US sharing intelligence with the Ukrainians may have helped Ukraine in the resistance against Russia.- It is a capacity that the Ukrainians do not have. They do not have such a developed system of spy satellites. Also US military experts have noticed the extent of the intelligence sharing on the part of the US.- I am careful to draw hasty conclusions about this war, because there is much we do not know. I think the sharing of intelligence from the United States to support the goals of the Ukrainians probably has no precedent in military history. This is what the American military researcher Rob Lee writes on Twitter. André Ken Jakobsson from the Center for War Studies agrees. He calls the sharing of intelligence 'revolutionary'. - From what we can see, it must be said that it is unheard of for them to share so much and for them to share it so quickly. There is also much that tells us that both legal and political constraints have been loosened in terms of what they are willing to share.

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