

Josephine Bergsøe opens up about Lasse Spang Olsen's infidelity: 'There is nothing pathetic about being cheated' | BT Names - www.bt.dk In the middle of a breast cancer course, jewelery designer Josephine Bergsøe and filmmaker Lasse Spang Olsen parted ways. It is more than ten years ago, and initially from the 56-year-old jewelry designer, that it was “a little exciting” and that the breakup happened in peace and tolerance. But that was far from the truth. In reality, the divorce was "ugly" and the relationship was full of infidelity, Josephine Bergsøe admitted. ‘I do not think I have had a day in my marriage where I was not told I was loved. But there have also not been many days in my marriage where he has not run out to someone else and has said the same thing, "she said in the Radio4 program 'Skilsmissen'. But why lighten the heart so many years later, B.T. asked when we met the celebrity designer for the premiere of the Susanne Bier series 'The First Lady'. "I think when you've had a lot of speaking time - like I had back then when I was divorced, where I was really good at telling how nice it all was - then you owe it to the people who go through such an ugly divorce to say, try to hear, it just hurts, it hurts us all. So I think that was important, "explains the 56-year-old jewelery designer. She now hopes that her honesty can help others who are going through the same thing as she did when she, due to rumors of infidelity, let herself be separated from the 57-year-old stuntman and film director Lasse Spang Olsen. "It was a bit of a message that it's okay to get angry and that there is nothing pathetic about being the one who gets cheated," explains Josephine Bergsøe. Lasse Spang Olsen and Josephine Bergsøe were together for 23 years before infidelity ended in ruining the marriage. Here the couple is seen together back in 2007. On the contrary, she wants to turn the discourse she sees about infidelity upside down. "We are so good at it that it is not pathetic to cheat, but it is pathetic to be cheated, and we simply have to change that. It simply has to be the case that what is wrong is to be the one who cheats. ”Three years ago, Lasse Spang Olsen opened up that he himself had been subjected to repeated infidelity from his girlfriend, he met with after Josephine Bergsøe. He himself called it "eight to ten years in hell," but nevertheless found lessons in the experience. "You really get to see what it has been like to be my ex-wife," said Lasse Spang Olsen in the podcast 'Male'. “At the same time, it has been extremely instructive, because from the first time she was unfaithful to me, I found out that I will never be that again. Never. ”Josephine Bergsøe takes that announcement today as something positive. “I think it’s really nice if people learn something. That would be absolutely fantastic, 'she concludes with a laugh. Josephine Bergsøe and Lasse Spang Olsen got to know each other all the way back as 11-year-olds when they came together in 4th grade. They became friends, boyfriends and later married. Got daughters 23 year old Fiona and 25 year old Tallulah together. They formed a couple for 23 years before the rumors of infidelity according to Josephine Bergsøe began to reach her, after which she threw the stuntman at the gate and divorced. The couple moved apart in October 2010, and in February 2011, they confirmed they had been divorced. Today, Josephine Bergsøe pairs up with director and industrial designer Troels Seidenfaden. Lasse Spang Olsen has been single since the breakup with the actress Laura Drasbæk in 2018. ABROAD Save 40% Message to Putin BERLINGSKE SENTENCED Creepy video Media Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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