

Red parties will lend financial hand to students | Politics | DR When the negotiations on help for financially pressured citizens begin today, there must also be a focus on helping the students, several parties believe. As of Monday, Mette Frederiksen (S) announced that she wants to raise the driving allowance and the elderly check to help some of those who are currently affected by price increases. But if it is up to SF, then it is not only old-age pensioners and commuters who have to be compensated with a sum of money due to the rising prices. It is really hard on the young people who already have difficulty paying the rent. Now it is also expensive to buy pasta, ketchup, coffee and bread. Therefore, I also think that one should look at a compensation.Mai Villadsen, Political Rapporteur Unity ListThey also want the students to have a helping hand in the form of a cash amount when they later today start negotiations.- We believe that students on also get hard excited for. They can also feel the energy prices, they can also feel it in relation to the food prices. We want to give the recipients a lump sum of 2,000 kroner to also help them, says Pia Olsen Dyhr, who is chairman of SF. And SF is not alone in going to the negotiations with a focus on the students. The Unity List's political spokesperson, May Villadsen, shares SF's view and will also give the students a financial helping hand. Now it is also expensive to buy pasta, ketchup, coffee and bread. Therefore, I also think you should look at a .Mai Villadsen supports SF's proposal for a lump sum of 2,000 kroner for the students, but does not think that you should necessarily stop there.- We certainly think that makes sense, but it could also be a higher amount. For us, it is just essential that you compensate many of the groups that for years have been exposed to their benefit falling - even though prices have risen. The Radical Left, the Danish People's Party and the Conservatives also believe that you must help the students, so they have a little more to live for and want it included in the negotiations that begin today. But they would rather ensure that the students can make more money next to 'one than give them a cash amount like SF and the Unity List The Conservatives' political spokesperson, Mette Abildgaard, does not believe that students are among the weakest groups in society and therefore instead suggests that young people should be able to work more without being drawn into one. - We have long been supporters of that it should be possible for young people to work more before theirs is set off, and it will be a completely obvious solution to use - also in this situation. So we are very open to that, she says. As a student in a higher education, you must right now earn 13,876 kroner a month before without being set off against 'en. Political spokesman for the Radical Left, Andreas Steenberg, is not involved. send the students a lump sum. He refers instead to the fact that a political majority in January agreed on a reform package, which among other things raises the students' free amount by 4,000 kroner a month. In that agreement, however, it is made clear that the increase in the free amount requires from all parties in current - conciliation circle. At the Danish People's Party, tax spokesman Dennis Flydtkjær also focuses on the students having the opportunity to earn more next to theirs. After Tuesday, Mette Frederiksen would not comment on whether anything should be done for the students. - has said that we should make a targeted help to those who have the biggest challenges. Now we start the political negotiations, so the parties must bring their various wishes to the table. The first negotiations on financial assistance to the press begin today at 13.30.

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