

Now the folk high schools want to help integrate young Ukrainians and Russians: Self-payment of 0 kroner | India | The DR money will come from a nationwide collection, which will cover the students' own payment of 500 kroner a week. Af - Okay, girls! Come here to me. I just have to find out where you have to stand, says dance instructor Sofie Kruuse. The almost 20 young people who stand in front of her and sweat and exhale, get ready to let their body follow the rhythm of the music while they try to remember all the steps. In the front row are 21-year-old Anna Khlobas and behind her her friend Daria Nykytenko, who have both fled the war in Ukraine. between Ukraine and Poland and brought them home to East Jutland. Now they are part of everyday life here at the school, where they immerse themselves in dance, ceramics and the whole life associated with a stay at a folk high school with and focus on such events. Even more Ukrainian refugees and also young Russians should have the opportunity to have such an experience, says the Association of Folk High Schools, which has therefore launched a new initiative. Most folk high school stays cost more than 1,500 kroner a week, and it have the cattle rreste refugees afford. The folk high schools are not allowed to let people go to a school for free, but they are welcome to lower the price to 500 kroner for a week. That is what is happening now. The new initiative is a collection of money to go in and cover the last 500 kroner, so the price ends up at zero for Ukrainian and Russian students.- We try to remove the leg span that the law on folk high schools has in relation to the payment. We have been in dialogue with people down in Ukraine who really want their young people at a Danish folk high school, because they like the whole idea behind it. We will therefore be some skarn if we do not meet that desire, says Lisbeth Trinskjær, who is chairman of the Folkehøjskolernes Forening. - Also for Danish students there is a huge educational potential in this. Living and learning with young people from the world's hotspots can make incomprehensible and complex issues relevant and relevant. strengthen the understanding of other cultures. So far, only 12 Ukrainians have started at a folk high school, but the number is expected to grow when the deductible is reduced to zero. The Danish folk high schools have existed since the middle of the 19th century. people through a stay of a few weeks or months can immerse themselves in one or more subjects, democracy and cultural heritage. It does not require any special prerequisites or educational background to become a student at a folk high school. The price varies from about 1,500 to 4,600 kroner per week. The difference between a folk high school and other types of folk high schools is that the Danish folk high schools receive state subsidies from the Ministry of Culture and therefore must meet some requirements in .Source: .At the Aarhus School of Sports, Anna Khlobas says that she is very happy with the way she has been received by teachers and students.- They treat us almost like family, and that is a great support. "Magical human power," she says as she takes a break from dance lessons. "It's an emotional roller coaster ride we can not control. Anna Khlobas, a refugee from Ukraine. She feels lucky to have ended up right here, but she also says that all the difficult thoughts do not disappear just because you suddenly find yourself in a safe environment at a Danish folk high school. is an emotional roller coaster ride that we can not control, she says. Anna's stay at the school in Aarhus was, together with the other three, Ukrainian women's stays paid for by funds that the school itself raised through a show where money was donated, says Deputy Principal Arne Grønbæk.- We do everything we as a school can, so that they can remove their gaze and thoughts from what is going on. We can not remove everything else (the incidents down in Ukraine, ed.), Says Arne Grønbæk. Lone Tinor-Centi is volunteer manager at the Danish Refugee Council. She welcomes the new initiative from the folk high schools, because it can contribute to the integration of the young people when they meet Danes in the framework that a folk high school offers, she believes.- Such a stay gives too many friendships for life. In this case, we are dealing with some young people who get the opportunity to strengthen some Danish skills, to get to know our traditions and to know and to get a feeling of being welcome, says Lone Tinor-Centi. it about building trust in a new society. But is it enough that the folk high schools do this? Is there no need for more than that? - Yes, it is necessary. The answer to a successful integration is that it is a long cool move, but for these young people, a high school stay can just be a really good kickstart. No matter what, everyone is welcome, and if 100,000 refugees arrive, all offers are welcome. There is a very large number of people who need to be integrated, says Lone Tinor-Centi. The colleges' collection starts today, Wednesday 27 April, via the website ffd.dk. create opportunities for young people from Ukraine and Russia to participate and complete a Danish folk high school stay.

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