

Hækkerup is to be educated in a scandal case: Are he and Mette F. behind the charges against Claus Hjort? | BT Politik - www.bt.dk The scandal case, where MP Claus Hjort and former spy chief Lars Findsen are charged with treason, takes a new turn. The Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup is to be educated in a consultation, after he believes that the top government behind closed doors has orchestrated the charges against him. "It (the indictment, ed.) Is either from the Department of Justice or the Department of State," he told B.T. last Friday. In January, the Liberal Party was charged with treason with a sentence of up to 12 years. According to Claus Hjort, the accusation was that he had revealed confidential information from the Defense Intelligence Service in several media appearances. The Liberal Party's consultation question to Nick Hækkerup reads: The Minister is asked to explain how the government has been involved and informed about the investigation and indictment of Member of Parliament Claus Hjort Frederiksen. Since then, the Liberal Party and Claus Hjort have suspected the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Justice of playing an active role in the charge. And that is why the Liberal Party has now convened Nick Hækkerup in consultation to get an answer. “We believe that the government owes it to clarify this inflammatory issue. An opposition politician is charged with treason the moment he speaks critically about the former Minister of Defense (Trine Bramsen, ed.), "Says the Liberal Party's Morten Dahlin. Last week, the Liberal Party asked no less than 45 questions to three of the government's top ministers - Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup and Minister of Defense Morten Bødskov. 'Seen from the outside, it looks very mysterious. We need to have a clear answer as to who in the government knew what, and whether the matter has been discussed between the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of State or in the government's security committee, "says Dahlin. Claus Hjort Frederiksen Nick Hækkerup has denied outright that he has been involved in the charges against Claus Hjort. Is it not clear enough? “We do not think the responses from the government have been adequate. Like I said, we need to know where and when this case has been discussed. Nick Hækkerup must be educated and answer that. ”The exact accusation against Claus Hjort is not known to the public. But Claus Hjort himself has told of episodes where, according to the accusation from PET, he should have talked about himself. Among other things in the program 'Lippert' on TV 2, where the case that the American intelligence service NSA used cables in Copenhagen to obtain information, was discussed. Claus Hjort is still not charged with anything. Check it out here Media: The votes have been counted On bare bottom: ABROAD ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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