

Huge staff shortage: 'Now we use all tools' | BT Society - www.bt.dk There is currently a great shortage of both prison and transport officers. In practice, this means that it is difficult to make ends meet in the country's prisons, which already in most places have more prisoners than they have cells. But that problem will now be tried to be solved by doubling the opportunities for training as a prison officer. It writes the probation service in a press release. "It is important that we use all tools," says Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup (S) about the current staff situation in the penitentiary. More specifically, from 1 August, it will be possible to train as a prison officer in four places in the country instead of two. The already existing educational institutions are located in Møgelkjær and in Birkerød, and now they want to establish a permanent educational center in Nykøbing Falster and a so-called 'pop-up school' in Odense. "Proximity means something, and therefore we make the educations more accessible to more people by moving them closer," says Nick Hækkerup. Director of the Prison and Probation Service Ina Eliasen also believes that with two new schools it will be possible to increase the number of students and thus help to solve the great shortage of staff in the Prison and Probation Service. »The Prison and Probation Service has an enormous need for more officers. Now we are doubling the number of training centers, so that the opportunities to train as a prison officer, transport officer or foreman are improved, "she says and adds:" With the 'pop-up schools' we are using a completely new tool where we can move the educations to the point where there is the greatest need for recruitment and potential. ”The pop-up school in Odense will admit one team of prison officer students, and then it will move on to a new location in the country. , which was concluded in December 2021. The exact locations of the two schools have not yet been definitively clarified. Check it out here Media: The votes have been counted On bare bottom: ABROAD ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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