



The question of where (THAT which is commonly called) GOD came from or comes from points to the Within of the Within aspect of GOD. The Within of the Within aspect of GOD holds the consummate mysteries of the beginningless, endless and dimensionless existence and or non-existence of GOD in the primordial-eternal, core unmanifest essence aspect of ITSELF.

The Within of the Within of THAT which is the SOURCE of all that be, which we commonly call GOD or designate with a myriad of other word symbols, is the baseless base preceding any and all beginnings and IT is the groundless ground of all manifestation of BEING, of all reality creation or manifestation.

Now, there is one thing which the primordial-eternal NON-BEING SOURCE OF ALL BEING which we commonly call GOD — who or which is the ONE unmanifest ALL-SOURCE manifesting and expressing as the SEED-GIVING-FATHER and the FORM-GIVING-MOTHER of all realities, and as YOU — doesn’t know and cannot (probably) know for sure through all time and outside and beyond all time. And that one thing is how IT came about to become what IT is now — that is, the SOURCE from whence ITSELF most originally came out of and WHO or WHAT gave rise to IT.

IT — THAT which we commonly call GOD or the UNIVERSE or the SOURCE — is forever searching for this — ITS pre-primordial origins — through the multidimensional or pandimensional expression and multifarious multiform manifestation (and duplication) of ITSELF, in the eternal experience of the Within of the Within of ITSELF.

IT is the FATHER who cannot find any that be ITS own FATHER besides ITS own SELF. IT is the MOTHER who cannot find any that be ITS own MOTHER besides ITS own SELF.

In other words, IT — GOD or the UNIVERSE — is ITS own MOTHER and ITS own FATHER. GOD HIMSELF is the FATHER of ITSELF and GOD HERSELF is the MOTHER of ITSELF. This defies all logic and no mind can make definite sense of it. Here, we come to the point where all words become meaningless.

For we cannot yet begin to understand, nay, we are unable to fully comprehend how THAT which is the SOURCE, CAUSE, and CENTER of all being (including ours) has no definite source, cause, and root of ITSELF; leaving us to ponder on the ultimate incomprehensible reality of the UNCAUSED CAUSE, the GROUNDLESS GROUND or BASELESS BASE and the ROOTLESS ROOT of all beings, energies, universes and humanly innumerable and unimaginable manifestations and realities.

For we certainly do not have the words with which we can talk about and summarize into fairly graspable concepts the incomprehensible mysteries of the multitudinous and multifarious pre-creation or great, ultimate greatest and primordial-eternal grandfatherly and grandmotherly versions or states of the being or non-being of GOD that preceded the UNIVERSAL FATHER-MOTHER version of GOD to whom we are all related as UNIVERSAL CHILDREN from the point of the beginning of space-time cosmic reality manifestation or Creation of which THEY ARE the relatively knowable and relatively comprehensible SOURCE, WOMB and CENTER.

WHO or WHAT created GOD and WHERE and WHEN? I don’t think anything or anyone outside of GOD ITSELF created GOD ITSELF. I say that GOD has been creating ITSELF before time ever was and is still creating ITSELF within time and beyond all time.

Can you remember your life when you were a five-month-old unborn baby or a one-year-old toddler? Can you remember the full details of where exactly you were before being born into this world as you are now? I bet you can’t, because those things happened too far back in time for you to (fully or even partially) remember, except you can somehow travel back through time to the past.

Now, GOD is not bound by time. GOD pre-existed before time ever was, and exists outside and beyond all time; meaning that GOD is eternal. Now, imagine trying to find the origin of that same GOD that existed before time ever was while you are living within the reality of time! Can you really succeed in that endeavor?

Understand that THAT which became Man created ITSELF outside of space-time long before it created man to be ITSELF within space-time. In other words, THAT which people commonly call GOD is quintessentially SPIRIT or consciousness cum energy. IT is primordial and eternal. It existed before the beginning of all time and outside of all space; IT also exists beyond the end of all time and space. Hence nothing can be known of ITS origin or ITS “creator” because we live within space-time where alone concepts of beginnings and endings apply. We can only conceive of IT as the non-being source of all beings and realities, the uncreated and unmanifest origin of all manifesting creators and creation.

Understand that the subject of the origin of that primordial-eternal universal source and center of all being and reality which we call GOD or the Universe, among other preferred appellations, is simply beyond all knowing or comprehension. Suffice it to say that IT came from an unknowable nowhere.


© 2021 by Charles Ojochide Vincent, aka Chaojovin

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