

Serious traffic accident between motorist and motorcyclist: Person passed away | BT Krimi - www.bt.dk | Updated A person lost his life in a traffic accident in Ballerup on Friday afternoon. Here a car collided with a motorcyclist and it ended fatally. "One of the parties has passed away, but the relatives have not been notified yet," says Torben Wittendorf, who is chief of security at Copenhagen's West Region Police. The accident happened at an intersection at Sydbuen and Magleparken. For a period, the area around the motorway Sydbuen and Magleparken was blocked off. It was therefore not possible to use access 2 Ballerup Syd on Motorring 4. But around 17.20 it is again possible to use the access. Police received the report 15.50 B.T. follows the case. Be good at your home ABROAD New development: ABROAD Now he speaks out: Beware: Confirms: ABROAD after a huge downturn ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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