

Rich man in wild neighbor war: Will build huge house with two parking spaces | BT Kendte - www.bt.dk It is not uncommon for the Norwegian billionaire Petter Stordalen to attract attention. And this time it is a neighbor dispute at the home in Bygdøy outside Oslo that creates attention. According to Petter Stordalen, he has had a conflict with his neighbor for several years. The background for the dispute has been that Stordalen wanted to build a roof over a number of parking spaces he shares with another house. But now there is another case on which Stordalen and his neighbor disagree. Born in 1962 in Persgrunnen southeast of Oslo (57 years old) Has attended three higher educations, but not completed any of them At the age of 24, the youngest department store manager in Norway opened his first hotel at the age of 34. Today he owns Nordic Choice Hotels & Resorts, which with over 205 hotels is one of the Nordic region's largest hotel chains. He also owns the travel group Nordic Leisure Travel Group, which includes Spies and Ving. One of Norway's richest people namely, building a new house on its land, and that process Stordalen is trying to stop by hiring lawyers to look into the matter. It is a two-storey house plus a basement with a floor area of ​​126.7 square meters. In addition, the neighbor will build two parking spaces on the plot. This must be east of Petter Stordalen's house, as you can see in the video below. The newspaper has been given access to a three-page letter from lawyer Linn Drejer-Dølvik in Ro summer's law firm, which assists Stordalen in the construction case. In his letter to the municipality, the lawyer explains that the municipality should not allow the house plans because the building plans are contrary to the local plan, which allows a land use of 15 percent. "It is our opinion that the measure is contrary to the current zoning plan," the lawyer writes according to Avisa Oslo. Whether Petter Stordalen wins the case, time will tell. The Danish Planning and Building Agency will now process the application and the neighbor complaints. Be good at your home ABROAD New development: ABROAD Now he speaks out: Beware: Confirms: ABROAD after a huge downturn ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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