

Serious accident at work at the Port of Esbjerg: Person passed away | BT Krimi - www.bt.dk On Friday afternoon, a tragic work accident occurred at the Port of Esbjerg. This is stated by the South Jutland Police on Twitter. Here, a 60-year-old person who was the driver of a mobile crane has been hit by an iron beam. Subsequently, he was pronounced dead as a result of the injuries. The police district also states that the Danish Working Environment Authority. The relatives have been notified. Updated ... Be good at your home ABROAD New development: ABROAD Now he speaks out: Beware: Confirms: ABROAD after a huge downturn ABROAD Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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