

Suspicion of crime by the Danish People's Party: 'Employees experience abusive acts' | Politics | DR Arbejdstilsynet gives DF half a year to rectify the employees' conditions at Christiansborg. Of a culture characterized by bad mood, groupings, closed doors and slander. Offensive actions in the form of loud scolding and overfishing. draws such a gloomy picture of the Danish People's Party that the inspectorate has a suspicion that it constitutes a violation of the working environment legislation. It appears from a letter which was sent to the Danish People's Party after an inspection on 30 March. News has been included in the letter. During the visit, a number of employees spoke, who told about their daily lives in the party. Their reports also appear in the letter, which was subsequently sent to the Danish People's Party. in the form of i.a. loud insults and overfussing in the corridors, being ignored, eg being greeted with silence when saying good morning in the corridor as well as more or less indirect downgrading of employees' work effort and. '' Some people find it difficult to say no if being subjected to abusive acts, especially if the acts come from someone with a higher status in the party. ' will, on the basis of the visit, make an agreement with the Danish People's Party to improve the employees' working conditions. The conditions must be in order no later than 1 October. The Danish Working Environment Authority offers workplaces a contract process if, for example, they suspect or have strong indications that a company has work environment problems and violates the Working Environment Act. The offer of an agreement always comes before the Danish Working Environment Authority has had time to find out whether there have actually been offenses. The agreements are often used in relation to work environment problems about mental work environment. If the Danish People's Party agrees to enter into an agreement with neither yellow nor red smileys as an assessment of the Danish People's Party as a workplace - on the other hand, they can not have a green smiley along the way. Source: The Danish Working Environment Authority Kristian Thulesen Dahl resigned as chairman of the Danish People's Party a battle election for the chairmanship, which Morten Messerschmidt won on January 23. But the change of chairman did not create calm in the Danish People's Party. On 21 February four, Bent Bøgsted, Liselott Blixt, Lise Bech and Karina Adsbøl, the party. And they justified it, among other things, with the work environment that was in the office corridors. is not healthy. We have people who go home crying, said Liselott Blixt, who also said that Pia Kjærsgaard had shouted at employees who had resigned. An accusation that Pia Kjærsgaard did not want to comment on. When Morten Messerschmidt was subsequently confronted with the stressful work environment, he had a hard time recognizing it. - In the Danish People's Party, one must talk nicely both about, with and to each other. And there is no one who has to go to work and feel bad - neither when you arrive nor when you leave. And if there is anyone who gives rise to it, then of course it must stop, he said. Subsequently also Marie Kraup and Hans Kristian Skibby Danish People's Party. But the picture, which Liselott Blixt and other breakaways from the party drew, largely corresponds to that which has noted.'The current mental work environment is i.a. characterized by groupings, bad mood and a culture with "closed doors". There are employees who experience whispering and slander internally. '' There are employees who are afraid of being subjected to abusive acts themselves, and some are afraid of the consequences of saying no, '' the employees have also said. , that it is going in the wrong direction.'... it is experienced by some as a marked change from before, where the co-operation has been open and trusting. '' wrestling time ”, which has been and continues to be, uneasy and turbulent for the employees. 'The chairman of the Danish People's Party, Morten Messerschmidt, did not want to comment on the matter. He refers to Peter Skaarup.- It is unfortunate that there are employees who have felt that the work climate has not been good enough. We have to do something about this, and therefore we will also, in collaboration with find out how we can do it better, says Peter Skaarup. on open walk and that one can not say from. Isn't it serious? - There has also been some turbulence, you could probably say. So there have been problems with the leadership of the party because we have changed chairman and we have had some who have been forced to stay. We know this well, and it has gone beyond the employees, and we are sad about that. But it has happened a long time after a new chairman was found - and also after people left the party. You can not wipe it off on the previous management? - We get a little closer in a dialogue with about. They have had conversations with some different employees, so we will take a closer look at that. So when exactly it happened and did not happen, we can not say right now. But do you think that it is the former leadership that is responsible for the problems with poor working climate in the Danish People's Party? - Well, it kind of does not matter who stands with it. That's how we fix it. And we intend to do that. Have you yourself witnessed some of the things that are described in the report from the Danish Working Environment Authority? - I note that there is a report and there is something on paper that we make a collaboration with om.So you have not experienced anything yourself? - I experience many things in a workplace like this. It's a very eventful workplace, and you show up in the morning and do not really know what's going on the rest of the day. And it is, of course, a special workplace. This is also always said to employees, so you know it when you start. But the turbulence that has been with DF for a while can not avoid also spreading to employees. It sounds as if you can well recognize some of the things that are in the report? - No, I do not mean that . I say it has been a turbulent period for the Danish People's Party. You just have to read the newspapers to find out. Then, unfortunately, it has infected the employees, and we must rectify this. Is there still a problem? - So we are looking ahead. And then we have to look at what we can do to fix it. We start a collaboration with around it. They have good experience with it, so it is in the best hands, says Peter Skaarup.

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