

Kamilla was asked about her past and broke down in dating program: 'It was my father I was thinking about' | BT Film, TV and Streaming - www.bt.dk Kamilla Bech Bendtsen is doing well in Ringe on Funen. But this has far from always been the case, and this could be seen in the dating program 'Love where the crows turn.' "Have you had a difficult past?" This is the question from Nicolai Groes, who was one of the male participants in the program, to Kamilla Bech Bendtsen. And that question brought tears to the eyes of Kamilla Bech Bendtsen, who is one of the love-hungry girls in the new season of 'Love where the crows turn'. She would not explain the tears to rolling camera, but now she is ready to share the difficult past. Kamilla Bech Bendtsen from Central Funen is doing well today. But her childhood was marked by an alcoholic father. "It was my father I thought of," explains Kamilla Bech Bendtsen. She says she grew up with an alcoholic father who has created a childhood trauma in her. "I visited him every other weekend," says Kamilla Bech Bendtsen, adding: "He was very erratic. He could not tell the difference between what was right and what was wrong. Me and my siblings were very afraid of him. ”Kamilla Bech Bendtsen explains that they lived with the secret of their father, as they were afraid of what he might come up with if they told anyone. “But luckily it was eventually discovered. Then we should not be with him anymore, "she says. Kamilla Bech Bendtsen does not regret that she responded to the question as she did during the filming. ‘I just think the reason it touched me is because I have now come through it. I'm just glad I'm here where I am. My past has made me who I am today. "" Now I have had the opportunity to think about it. In the moment with the cameras, it went so fast. Now some time has passed, "says Kamilla Bech Bendtsen. But despite a difficult childhood in the luggage, Kamilla Bech Bendtsen was ready to leave Funen and try to find love on Lolland Falster. “I think it was a mega-fat experience to be with. I went into it with an open mind. You never know whether you will meet the big love. ”The latest episodes of the program reveal that she is the girl who dates Nicolai Groes the longest. "It was absolutely fantastic. That's what I got there for. He was the one I went down there for, "says Kamilla Bech Bendtsen. However, she can not reveal how the relationship with Nicolai Groes is today. This is to be seen in the last episodes on TV 2. B.T. reveals sports disease Momondo Mondays B.T.s grades B.T.s judgment abroad Berlingske Media A / S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 Copenhagen KTlf. +45 33 75 75 33 CVR.no .: 29 20 73 13

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