

Election promise from S is still not in place: Mathilde lives with major consequences of mistreatment | Politics | DR Patientforeninger now criticizes the government for running away from its promise. By 'Patient-responsible doctor or nurse for all hospitalized patients in 2020'. The Social Democrats took over government power, not all patients have a permanent doctor attached in connection with a long-term illness. And it arouses harsh criticism from several patient associations. - That promise has far from been fulfilled. - It is our experience that it is well under half of the patients who have a doctor responsible for patients or experience that they have it, says Morten Freil, director of Danish Patients. If I had been associated with a regular doctor or nurse who knew me, then I doubt that I would have avoided very many things. I would have been some wrong medication besides.Mathilde Langballe, arthritis patientA patient responsible physician has the task of following hospitalized patients through their disease course and being in contact with the patient to avoid the patient not experiencing being tossed around between different doctors.- The promise, which gave, was an expression that there is actually a need to do something different than what has been done so far, says director of the Arthritis Association Mette Bryde Lind. She also notes that the Social Democrats have not kept their promise that everyone hospitalized patients should have a patient-responsible doctor. - I think in many ways that it is catastrophic, she says. A patient-responsible doctor has the task of having the overall responsibility and overview of the patient's course of treatment in connection with an admission to the hospital. Some inpatients experience coming to more hospital wards and hospitals and may therefore be in contact with many doctors and nurses. The idea with a doctor responsible for patients is that only one specific doctor is responsible for the contact with the patient. Mathilde Langballe was diagnosed with arthritis in the spine five years ago. As a treatment for her illness, she was prescribed a certain arthritis medication. But the medication she was given ended up doing more harm than good. - I end up getting inflammation in my gut, which unfortunately has given me another illness on top of my hat. So I live with some pretty big consequences of the mistreatment that I was exposed to at the time, says Mathilde Langballe. Her mistreatment happened in 2018, ie before the S-promise was to be introduced. Hear Mathilde Langballe talk about how she thinks she could had avoided being mistreated, in the video below. The medicine thus made Mathilde Langballe much sicker, as she also suffers from gastrointestinal problems at the same time as her rheumatic disease. And precisely the medicine that Mathilde Langballe was prescribed by the doctors must not be taken , if you also have a gastrointestinal disease.- Just the thing about it could have been avoided if someone knew about my situation ... It hurts to this day, she says.It could have would have been avoided if there had been a doctor responsible for the patient who had read in her medical record that she also suffered from gastrointestinal problems, says Mathilde Langballe.- If I had been associated with a regular doctor or nurse who knew me, then I no doubt at all that I would have avoided a great many things. I would have been some wrong medication besides, she says. The Social Democrats wrote in the party's health proposal in 2018: 'Patient-responsible doctor or nurse for all hospitalized patients by 2020. We want to raise the ambitions and expand the current government's goal that 90 per cent. of the cancer patients must have a patient-responsible doctor by 2020, to apply to all hospitalized patients with a long-term course, for example in connection with chronic illness. ' , coherence and recognizability. The government will initiate work to strengthen and promote the scheme. It also involves tools for the doctor to coordinate processes across, e.g. with the patients' appointment calendar in A Overall Patient Overview. 'Sources: Time for care - The Social Democrats' health initiative from 2018. Make Denmark healthier. The government's proposal for a health reform in 2022. Mathilde Langballe's experiences are not, says the director of the Arthritis Association, Mette Bryde Lind. They experience that when different hospital departments do not talk to each other, then no one coordinates the effort. And then they are completely lost, she says. The same picture applies to elderly patients, it sounds from Ældresagen. - It is too bad that has not ensured that there is a doctor who has an overview and who is responsible to be a kind of tour guide for the elderly patient who has to go through the jungle, which can often be, says Michael Teit Nielsen, deputy director of the Elderly Case. It is no secret that the health care reform has had to wait for us to get to a better place in relation to the pandemic that the health service had to deal with. Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Health, Social Democrats - We think it is very disappointing that the scheme has not progressed, because it is extremely important for patients to have a patient-responsible doctor who can tie the process together and ensure patient safety. and safety.- There is no doubt that when there are many patients who do not have a doctor responsible for patients, then there are also more patients who will experience errors and incorrect treatment, says Morten Freil, director of Danish Patients.He calls for, together with the regions, to set a date for when the promise must be fully implemented.- It must be implemented as soon as possible, says Morten Freil. Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke (S) admits that S- has not lived up to its promise of , that all patients should have a doctor or nurse responsible for patients by 2020. Has that promise been fulfilled? - No, it is not yet. But it is still our goal, and it is also part of our health reform, which we are negotiating right now, he says to Nyheder. However, he emphasizes that there is a good explanation for why they have not been able to fulfill their promise on time: corona.- It is no secret that the health care reform has had to wait for us to get to a better place compared to the one that should. So when we wrote the proposal, we did not know that someone would come before us, so it has delayed the implementation of some of these elements, says Magnus Heunicke. that all hospitalized patients must have a patient-responsible doctor. In proposals for a health reform that was presented recently, the former Social Democratic promise of just 'a patient-responsible doctor or nurse for all hospitalized patients' is not included. : 'The physician responsible for the patient must contribute to security, coherence and recognisability. will initiate work to strengthen and promote the scheme. '

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