

Heunicke admits breach of promise to patients - blames corona | Politics | DR All hospitalized patients still do not have a patient-responsible doctor or nurse, even though the Social Democrats promised it several years ago. The Social Democrats still did not live up to the promise: All hospitalized patients should have a patient-responsible doctor or nurse in 2020, it said in .Magnus Heunicke, has that promise been fulfilled? - No, it is not yet, acknowledges Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke (S) .It is a named doctor who must provide an overview and security to the patient. The doctor responsible for the patient must be available to answer the patient's questions about an examination or treatment process. Can have contact with several doctors and hospitals if the patient is treated in several places Source: Region Zealand Both Danish Patients and the Arthritis Association have expressed great frustration over the lack of action from. And Ældresagen accuses of breach of promise. Are they right that it is a breach of promise? - Yes. So I must admit that we would have done this well before. But now came the corona, as ours should. Of course, this has meant that we have had to shoot some of the other things, says Magnus Heunicke. So I must admit that we would have done this well before. Now came the corona.Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Health (S) - But it does not change at all that it is extremely important that the scheme of patient-responsible doctor - which was actually agreed several years ago with our regions, but which has not come to work yet - that we must have it to work, says Magnus Heunicke. Why have you not fulfilled the promise? - It is no secret that the health care reform has had to wait for us to get to a better place in relation to the one who should .So it's because of the corona? - Yes. Does not it hurt to admit a breach of promise? - Yes. But I must also be honest and say that I have been exposed to this corona pandemic, so there are some things that we just had to do first, and then this had to come second. And it also comes now and is part of our health reform proposal, which we negotiate with the parties, says Magnus Heunicke. 2020.- So the doctor responsible for the patient should be well implemented before corona. Corona is not an excuse, says director of Danish Patients, Morten Freil. The same objection comes from the Elderly Case. Listen to Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke in the video below. is that you as a patient in these long-term processes sometimes have many questions, and that you do not really feel that there are completely answers to those questions. And it can also be the case that you feel a bit like a throwing ball and are thrown around a bit between different departments, says the Minister of Health and adds: - It is very important that you as a patient in a long-term process - it can be patients or others, who are long-term hospitalized - that they have one doctor who is responsible for their course, and who can advise and guide and provide security about the many questions you have, says Magnus Heunicke. Do you want to apologize to the patients who have experienced that be a throwing ball because they do not have a patient-responsible doctor, as you had put them in view? - Well, I would at least say that I hope for understanding that ours has been exposed to extreme pressure, and our employees has been extremely adaptable and has covid patients, but during that period also all cancer and heart patients. So of course I ask for understanding that it has been felt in other patient groups. Are there any patients at all who have been assigned a patient-responsible doctor while you have been in government? - Yes, that is actually a good question, says Magnus Heunicke adds: - It is still our goal, and it is also part of our health reform, which we are negotiating right now. Mathilde Langballe is one of the patients who has not had a patient-responsible doctor or nurse associated with her course of treatment. now became more ill because five years ago she was prescribed medication that did not take into account her medical history. Read more about her story in the article. In the health proposal that was presented last month, the promise from 2018 of a doctor responsible for patients for all hospitalized patients will not be repeated. Instead, it now states that 'will initiate work to strengthen and promote the scheme'. Now you yourself mention your own health reform several times. But it does not say in your proposal for the reform that you will introduce it for all patients before a certain date, as stated in your original proposal from 2018? - No, because now we have to negotiate with the parties, and the matter is that it has in fact already been agreed. It was agreed with the former and the Danish Regions. But you just have to say, has that agreement been complied with and implemented and implemented? No, it is not - at least not everywhere, says Magnus Heunicke. The Social Democrats wrote in the party's health proposal in 2018: 'Patient-responsible doctor or nurse for all hospitalized patients in 2020. We want to raise ambitions and expand the current government's goal that 90 per cent. of the cancer patients must have a patient-responsible doctor by 2020, to apply to all hospitalized patients with a long-term course, for example in connection with chronic illness. ' , coherence and recognizability. The government will initiate work to strengthen and promote the scheme. It also involves tools for the doctor to coordinate processes across, e.g. with the patients' appointment calendar in A Overall Patient Overview. 'Sources: Time for care - The Social Democrats' health initiative from 2018. Make Denmark healthier. The government's proposal for a health reform in 2022. But what date can patients look forward to this promise being fulfilled? - Our goal is for us to make an agreement with the parties. And then we already want to start implementing it. But if it is up to you, what date should it be introduced? - Well, as soon as possible, says Magnus Heunicke and adds: - I will not come with anyone dates now here. I think it will be wrong when we are now entering some political negotiations. Is it not a bit of a declaration of bankruptcy that you promise that it will be introduced for all patients by 2020, and now you can not even ask patients a date in view? - No, I do not think so. I think there is a good explanation for why we could not live up to this 2020 goal, and that is the corona pandemic, says the Minister of Health. But if it is so important to you, then you owe it to yourself to say when you are betting that it will be introduced? - Yes, I look forward to doing that too, but that is where we need to go a little further in the political negotiations. That may sound like a bit of a boring answer, I admit it.

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