

Shanghai lockdown: Vivian was locked inside a nice gym for five days while Leona was in a quarantine center with lights on around the clock | Abroad | DR The Chinese zero-tolerance policy against the coronavirus is currently holding 26 million people indoors. Since Shanghai closed down, it was only gradually - and then very suddenly. in the Chinese metropolis, but stuck to their soft approach to avoid the total shutdown in the style of Wuhan in 2020. When the softer strategy did not work, it still fell into a total shutdown, and since April 1, 26 million have been trapped in their home.Their experiences have been vastly different, depending on how much they trusted, how much they stocked up, and whether they remained negative.When Vivian was first locked inside, it was in a gym.Together with the rest of the customers and the staff, she walked among treadmills and dumbbells for five days while they waited for everyone to be tested, cleared and allowed to quarantine at home.- We were all people who liked fitness. In the morning we ran on the treadmill, for dinner we had classes, and in the evening we lifted weights, says Vivian, a local Shanghai resident. A total of 31 people were trapped in the center during the five days described as an interesting experience by Vivian. - I was happy when we were allowed to come out, because at that time the situation in Shanghai had become critical, she says. was about to shut down. While some have spent time at home coming after yoga practice and enjoying the freedom of work, have struggled to secure food and medicine supplies. Vivian filmed life in the gym during her stay. It can be seen here: On the spectrum of Shanghai's quarantine destinies, Vivians has been enslaved. For Leona, it has been an experience "of being treated like a creature and having to give up her humanity". Leona is one of the approx. 250,000 positive cases so far registered in Shanghai. Just over one percent of the city after six rounds of mass testing. When Leona, a local Shanghai resident, tested positive in mid-March, she spent a sleepless night in her home before being transported to a covid quarantine center. The Chinese covid quarantine centers are separate from hospitals and health clinics and have been built with , what Chinese politicians have proudly called "China speed." They have been highlighted as the combination of Chinese efficiency and the goal of "putting the health of the people first in the fight against covid-19." In Shanghai, the centers have stood as a monument to fear and warning of what happens if you test positive. No medicine, no separate toilets, no possibility to take a shower, no running water, no privacy and sports neck lights on 24/7. Testimony videos from the centers have been everywhere on social. Leona was there herself: - The whole experience was deeply surreal, she says. She spent 13 days in the quarantine center and could see how it was quickly filled up with daily records of infected. More than 250,000 positive cases are now in Shanghai, but according to official data with zero consequences. It has made the inhabitants question what all that misery is for. says Leona, who has returned home after four negative tests in the center. It's hard to be really happy to have come out in a situation like this. Leona, shanghaineser- It's hard to be really happy to have come out in a situation like this.In the neighboring bed in the center, Leona's neighbor was a migrant worker who normally sold vegetables at a market, but when covid came and she tested positive, she ended up in the same place as a thousand others in Shanghai. However, she looked more brightly at the situation than Leona, when they were served three daily in the center, which she and millions of others had struggled with out in the closed Shanghai. Because the closure was so complete and sudden, many did not get enough supplies and on time to that which originated should have been a five-day shutdown, but now runs on the third week for the majority of and the fifth week for others, including South China Long and his family. a small apartment, it has been about mental survival and about securing food supplies.Long does not have much confidence in and had made sure to supply himself in time for what he reckoned would be a hard shutdown. But it was only when the state media began to call rumors of a shutdown "rumor-spreading", which is punishable under Chinese law, that Long was sure the city would be closed. - We figured it would be a or two weeks, but when two weeks had passed and we were still sitting here, we just thought, “Dung! Do we have enough food then? "The family in four residential areas is closed down completely with guards at all gates, and outside all shops are closed, so it has not been possible to re-supply themselves through it. The children have not stood under an open sky for 29 days , while Long and his wife have been focused on filling up the pantries via the many different online shopping apps that people in Shanghai rely on. The minimum order for online purchases is typically several thousand kroner. This has led people to go together in group purchases, which has ensured supplies of everything from food to cleaning items and alcohol. monthly salary in a day in the pressured shutdown market.in Shanghai has provided food in the form of vegetables, rice and meat to the residents, but according to Long, all in all, it has been enough for four days for his family of four, who are now sitting indes pear on the fifth week.Due to censorship of the Chinese internet, it is difficult to know how many people have been starving in the past month.But if the many prayers for help and the many videos of people crying at the sight of a vegetable supply, are representative, or as one Chinese blogger put it, “if one percent of have food problems, it's 250,000 people. In a cosmopolitan city like Shanghai, it's a disaster. ”The post was shared by everything and everyone everywhere on the Chinese Internet before it was deleted by .I'm getting a little crazy. I'm not trying to show it to our children, but it's not easy after sitting inside for so long. Long, shanghai and father of fourLong is himself a member of the Chinese Communist Party and knows the history of the system. He sees parallels in history to what is happening today with a tough strategy that is being implemented uniformly across the huge Chinese country, without regard to the local conditions or.- The local volunteers who have helped with the shutdown have been hugely helpful, but the current policy is a disaster, says Long from his home.- I'm getting a little insane. I'm not trying to show it to our kids, but it's not easy after sitting inside for so long. I've never been afraid of the virus, I'm afraid of government control. For Leona, the experience has led her to question the Chinese model, who “always emphasizes the collective and ignores the individual.” - It is true that we have experienced a rapid development and poverty, but we also worry about people's mental state, she asks.Shanghai is unique because it is an international city with a financial center and international, but a similar shutdown was imposed on Xian earlier this year, and in the northern Jilin sits 20 million partially or completely shut down - without the attention that Shanghai gets.In none of the cities are there plans for how to return to a normal everyday life as long as covid exists.The sources in the article do not want to come forward with their full name as they fear their statements about lockdown and the handling of the authorities may be put to the charge by the authorities. They therefore only appear with first names, but DR knows their full identity.

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