

Mayor dreams of the Olympics in Copenhagen in 14 years - but is it realistic at all? | India | DR The next Olympic organizers are Paris, Los Angeles, Brisbane - and Copenhagen, if it is up to the municipality's cultural mayor. In recent years, Denmark has succeeded in getting more big people to the country. in football, in road cycling, in ice hockey, in sailing. Soon the world's biggest cycling race, the Tour de France, will even start in Denmark. Big on Danish soil, which has attracted thousands of spectators and several of the world's biggest athletes. But none of it comes close to one. The task of holding the world's largest is enormous compared to almost everything else. And so the task is typically landed at some of the largest metropolises in the world. Tokyo, Beijing,, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and soon Paris and Los Angeles. But that needs to be changed, says Copenhagen Municipality's culture and leisure mayor, Mia Nyegaard from the Radicals. She dreams of getting to Copenhagen, and preferably already at the next available opportunity in 2036.- I have previously been met by skeptics who have said: "It can not be done, and it will be too expensive." - I have been a little provoked by that, and therefore say I now: What if we can well? What if we dare to put it as our vision and then see if it can be done, she said in .An interview, where she explains that the idea of ​​one in Copenhagen is not a concrete plan, but a "vision" A vision that will thus surpass everything that Copenhagen and Denmark have previously laid the groundwork for when it comes to. If so, it should become a reality. But is it realistic at all? It is difficult to give a clear answer. But the automatic reaction will probably be that it leans towards the unrealistic side, assesses Sport's commentator Henrik Liniger, who has covered several times and covers international sports policy. Because it is obvious that previous hosts have been cities at the very large end of the scale. And it has had to be because it has grown to be a huge event. Still, according to Henrik Liniger, there are indications that it could be done a little differently in the future. The International Olympic Committee has in fact become aware that it has probably become too big and too expensive, and therefore it has also been seen that in several cities have turned against the idea that their city should hold the games - for example, in Hamburg and San Francisco. opens up the committee to make it a little more "sustainable" in an urban sense, so that all facilities do not necessarily have to be located inside the host city, but that one can spread it over a larger area. The requirements for facilities have also become a little less strict, for example in relation to hotels, says Liniger. - So compared to before, it may have become more realistic, but it is still a huge event, which will cost a lot of money and which will require a number of facilities that I can not see are in Denmark today, he assesses. Culture Mayor Mia Nyegaard also says in the interview with Berlingske that her thought is that one in Copenhagen will have to be held in a different way than before. In fact, it should be "the cheapest, the most sustainable and the smallest ever." In Denmark, the organization Sport Event Denmark stands to attract and help hold the big ones and in various sports. And here director Lars Lundov is in no doubt about the scope of the task, if Denmark were to add grass, floor and water to one.- It will be a colossal setup. Simply colossal. It is a giga event.- It is just a colossal event with very high demands on the capacity of the various sports. So it's a big mouthful, if you think in those terms, he says. He and the rest of the organization have not been in contact with the mayor about the vision for one in Denmark yet. Without having made a deeper analysis of the possibilities for a Danish can he already points to a number of facilities that Denmark will certainly lack, and which will have to be built before one. - The great example is an Olympic, which houses both athletics and the opening ceremony. We do not have such a giga facility at all today, he says. The same will apply in a large number of the other sports that must be competed in. Because even though Denmark has held handball and badminton, for example, there will be a lack of large facilities when everything has to be played at about the same time - and at the same time there must be enough gyms. - We lack quite a few facilities. We do not have enough at all for all the sports that are, says Lars Lundov. And it is only the facilities for the sport itself. Usually you also build an entire small town, an Olympic city, where the approximately 10,000 live during the Games. The price for it all Lars Lundov does not dare to guess. In 2006, Rambøll estimated that it would cost DKK 25 billion to hold one in Copenhagen. in 2012 ended up costing around DKK 90 billion. Lars Lundov does not answer with a clear yes or no to whether it seems realistic with one in Copenhagen. But: - It probably lies on the edge of whether it is realistic. This is due to the fact that so much has to be built, which will be very expensive, he says. According to Sport Lin's commentator Henrik Liniger, it must be because the International Olympic Committee will scale down a bit if Denmark is to succeed in getting one . And though the committee has aired that thought, it has not been by general. It has just gotten bigger and bigger.- The litmus test for this will be in Paris in 2024. Paris is probably a city of completely different dimensions than Copenhagen, but there they have gone to it by wanting to use the city's facilities to make one, he says. In this way, Paris will try to avoid having huge sports facilities built, which afterwards turn out not to be really usable in the city in the future. - It will be easier to say after 2024 whether it is possible to downsize to something that will fit into Denmark. And here I am talking about Denmark, because I think that a clean sweep in Copenhagen is unrealistic. - But it will require huge political and economic from both the state, foundations, business and everything else, he says. The host city for the next three Olympic Games is already in place. In 2024, Paris will host the festivities, in 2028 it will be Los Angeles, and in 2032, it will be Australian Brisbane that will host. The next available opportunity is in 2036.

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