

Every third person is still in doubt about the yes or no to the defense reservation: 'The debate is confusing' | Politics | DR The discussion about what should be on the ballot paper has filled a lot in recent weeks. From 1 June, Danes will have to vote yes or no to abolish the defense reservation. There is still plenty of time to decide, but if the vote were today, every third Dane would be in doubt about where the cross should be put. This is shown by a survey that Epinion has made for Nyheder. According to it, 33 percent are still in doubt, while 36 percent will vote yes and 27 percent will vote no to abolish the defense reservation. In addition, two percent will vote blank or abstain, while two percent will not state what they are voting for. The statistical uncertainty is 2.5 percent. One of those who is in doubt about where the cross should be put on June 1 is Mikkel Lunau, 29, who works in Bisca.- I do not know yet. I think there has been a lot of talk about how this wording should unfold, rather than what it's really about. - Of course it's important, but honestly, I think it's a little confusing, he concludes. Bente Frederiksen, who is retired, also understands well that so many are in doubt. but with a different wording. It's a piece of cake, she says. The discussion about what to do has filled a lot in recent weeks. Here, among others, neither "" nor "defense reservations" were mentioned in the question. and changed the wording to: "Do you agree yes or no to Denmark participating in European co-operation on security and defense by abolishing the defense reservation?". THE DANISH DEFENSE RESERVATION , that Denmark does not participate in the parts of the EU's foreign and security policy that pertain to the area of ​​defense. We do not participate in the EU's military operations, do not finance them or make soldiers or weapons available. when we discuss defense policy. However, we can still participate in more general talks about defense policy in the EU. Peter Nedergaard, expert and professor of political science at the University of Copenhagen, explains that it is not so abnormal that so many are in doubt at present. - People must first get acquainted with the subject, and have not really gotten started. You can not expect people to know everything about the defense reservation and have taken a stand on it, he says. Peter Nedergaard also points to the controversy as one of the reasons for the many doubters. - And with good reason, I think. For what they had forgotten was that what they were actually voting on, namely the defense reservation, it was not mentioned at all. The chairman of the Danish People's Party, Morten Messerschmidt, is not surprised that so many are in doubt about what to do. vote on 1 June.- In part, the debate has come a little strange from the start, where we had to spend time debating the voting issue. And partly it is a complicated case, where the yes parties try to talk things down, where we, who advocate for a no, try to say what this can actually develop into, he says. However, he does not think that he himself bears part of the blame for the many doubters, although he is one of those who have complained about the wording of.- I will probably allow myself to point out that it is who has created the problems in relation to. That one can think of making someone who neither talks about nor reservations, or that there is something to be abolished, I think, honestly was democratically very naughty, says Morten Messerschmidt. Political spokesman for the Social Democrats Christian Rabjerg Madsen disagrees with Morten Messerschmidt in that it is to blame that the discussion has been about rather than the vote itself. have. I really think we have done what we can to discuss what is the question, namely: how do we ensure that in the future we can work with our European partners to take better care of Denmark and the security of Danes. looking at gender, it is clear that women in particular are in doubt about what to vote for. 41 percent of the women have answered that they are in doubt, while only 24 percent of the men have given the same answer. It is subject to a statistical uncertainty of 3.6 percent. Doubt is also high among young people. Here, 42 percent between the ages of 18-34 are not sure what they want to vote for. It is based on a statistical uncertainty of 5.3 percent. The survey was conducted in 2,102 completed interviews with representatively selected Danes aged 18 and over between 31 March and 7 April 2022.

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