From*Bismillah-Hi-Rehmaan-ni-Raheem* *And recite the Qur'an with measured recitation (tartīl) (Al-Muzammil :4)* *Allah likes to read the Qur'an just as it is revealed. (Hadith Nabvi ﷺ)*▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️
🔸 *The Qur’an College & Islamic training Institute offers a*FREE ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE TAJWEED COURSE *on international level, in an easy and comprehensive manner*.
🔹 *This special course is led by Shaykh al-Maqari of Pakistan, Qari Ibrahim Meer Muhammadi Hafiza-ul-allah (former Madinah University Graduate, with the experience of over 30 years of teaching tajweed*.🗓 *Starting Date:*
*11th -April-2020*⌛️ *Duration of Course*
*(10 Days-only)* *_Saturday to Wednesday_*📝 *Registration from*
🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅 *Course Highlights*🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅
🔰 *Correct identification of different Arabic letters with similar sounds*
🔰 *Basic rules of Tajweed*
🔰 *Correct pronunciation of Qur’anic words/verses*
🔰 *Regular practical exercises to enhance the learning process*.
🔳 *Note*:
▪️ *Seperate classes for 👉 general public*
👉 *Instructor& scholars*.☎️ *For registration form and other relevant questions, please contact at our WhatsApp number*
👉 *+923134026205* Or
Or📈 *Registration form Link*
Or💻 *email at*
▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ This Tajweed Course is totally *_FREE_* *_Don’t miss this Golden opportunity_*. *Please visit our website*Website:
🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹Apr 9 · Public · in