

Monaarch Earth.

Hello, Alfa, Dravis, Vizerion, Matthius, dan apapun lah itu nama kamu, aku gak ingat semuanya. Aku cuma mau kasih ini aja sih, gak penting banget cuma emang mau aku sampaiin ke kamu aja. Dibaca ya hehe ^^


Reasons why I still Love You :

1. The way you make me feel butterflies

2. Your bright personality

3. How caring you are

4. How you talk to me

5. How you make me weak with one text

6. Because you’re always being yourself

7. You make me laugh

8. You make my gloomy days brighter

9. Because you’re always honest

10. When I talk to you, I never wan’t to stop

11. You’re dumb jokes

12. How much affection you give me

13. The way you’re always by my side

14. You wan’t me to be happy

15. You listen when i babble about dumb stuff

16. How you feel like home

17. You being the reason of me smiling

18. You’re my energy pill i take every morning

19. Your gleaming soul

20. Your great taste

21. You inspire me to be a better person

22. Your confidence

23. You matter alot to me

24. You’re understanding

25. You always care about me when i don’t care for myself

Ini mah kaya ngedeskripsiin diri kamu, tapi gapapa lah ya. Kalau ditanya kenapa aku masih kaya gini, jawabnya gak ada karena aku juga gak tau;D

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