🇬🇧 MUSIK-NEWS, plus some useful indications.

🇬🇧 MUSIK-NEWS, plus some useful indications.

Musik-Time Staff

Donations & MT+ group referent: StranoAdmin
Contributions referent: BomberClan
Time-free contributors referent / METAL & ROCK referent: Tyorgg
EDM referents: Stefa9 - leonard0g
POP music, Chart & Group chats referent: AryToNeX

Other staff members: itSof432 - FireVulpix - Fef0h
Taverna's moderator: Matart

Free requests and how to get them: the MUSIK-TIME Bot returns, powerful than ever!

Oh yes, we're glad to announce that the bot has resumed his job! Contact the bot here

You can only ask for a request a month because of obvious reasons. (clue: check how many people there are in the main channel.)

We only accept requests of songs which aren't in the main channel yet, which haven't typing errors in the release title and/or in the artist name and which haven't inconsistencies in the release type.

You can ask for singles or albums only. No compilations are accepted (except for films' tracklists)

Whoever doesn't follow the rules will be excluded by the bot service.

For all the requests which are not allowed to be asked to the bot (FLAC Hi-Res and priority requests) you must contact StranoAdmin.

Time-free contributors. Refer to: Tyorgg

Well, this is the news for those who already contribute to the project.

Since now it's possible that you are chosen as time-free contributors and allowed to publish stuff without authorization by any administrator. You will be able to do this on the channel (only via Tyorgg) and on the MT+ group (so, yes, it means you'll have free access to that group.)

Obviously this privilege will be conferred by a powerful admin and it won't be possible to ask for it.

MUSIK-TIME+ Group, how to access to it? Refer to: StranoAdmin

We remind you all of the MUSIKTIME+ Group where you can find Hi-Res Audio files (FLAC / WAW 24-32 bit - DSD), exclusive albums and whole discographies.

The chosen ones were the few daredevil ones who contributed following these instructions (but somebody wanted to overdo it):

2 albums and 1 single in FLAC 16bit 44kHz + 1 album and 1 single in FLAC 24bit 96/192kHz;
- or -
6 albums and 10 singles in FLAC 16bit 44kHz.

If you ever want to appeal to your previous contributions to ask for "contribution discounts" to join this group, you should know that we only count as valid the authorized contributions made in the last 48 hours.

If you haven't got any FLAC to send us but you want the access to the group anyway, you can donate.
You can donate how much you want but not less than 5 Euros or an USD/BTC/BCH sum that converted in EUR is worth that amount of money at the time of the transaction (there's way too much stuff and we don't want people who donate 50 cents to access the group where there are others who have lost their own soul by recording vinyl discs to send us the FLACs).

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