

Jekarsa Abimantara
on my left, the most adorable human in this fucking world

halo boss monster, gatau sih bikin ini gabut doang mau mbulol soalnya kamu lucu banget, terus karena bentar lagi kita bakal jarang ngobrol buat sebulan kedepan takut kamu ga bisa nahan kangen awokwkwok😁 ga nyangka aja ya kita bisa bertahan bareng bareng sampe sekarang, aku harap kedepan nya kita bakal tetep gini, walaupun ada ribut panas tapi setelahnya bakal ada yang lebih panas, jiakh. pokonya jangan sampe pisah deh, anggep aja aku tuh MJ, dan kamu spiderman nya, intinya ga ada yang boleh ganggu hubungan kita, just like what u say, aku punya kamu, dan kamu punya aku, we have each other. gaakan ngelarang kamu apa apa soalnya kamu tau batasaan, yaudahlah ya, the point of this "text" is i really love you, i'll do whatever it takes for you, as long as i get all that feedback from you, it's a big joy for me, have you ever been bored with me or left me because of trivial things? we are in adult relationship, GATAU SIH, KAYAKNYA MASIH TEENAGER, but yes, i hope you're always comfortable with me, somehow when we first sent messages to each other, i remember it was very, very exciting. god is really good to be able to bring such a beautiful and kind boy like you. 1 year we have been together, we passed all the challenges we faced together. promise me and you will continue to be together until the time comes for us to part properly. but i hope that won't happen. because i love you. of course i definitely comfortable with you that's why i chose you to survive on our love, because i know no one will be able to be as patient as you to face my bad, i'm here and will never been replaced, and you are still number one in my heart

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