Nala Noulittenala noulitte, an 9w8 infp.
as the credentials symphonies surround the ecosystem with boundless harmonic bliss and mirthful aura which were able to be classified as mother nature’s most beautiful creation, angelic raindrops that were formed by the dewy moistened leafs suppressed the whole view to a more colorful and imaginable notion-pressed art that my mind can picture without any effort being thrown out in a ditch. trudging here and there beneath the boundless star that decorates the night sky with its uttermost beauty, i truthfully claim that nothing is more astonishing than fields of endless stars constellations. chimerical point of living if i must say out loud. bouquets of roses and daisies scattered around from edge to edge, a surreal ambiance that was once just filled my mind suddenly came true and became dozens of people’s true comfort and seraphic mood-booster.