


so i actually dont know what should i tell you about what i feel yesterday. but yeah, i feel heavy. so heavy.

is it okay if i tell you that you hurt me? srsla i terasa gila dgn apa yg you cakap. haha. like, you marah i sbb i tak bagitau you i buat apa. haha. and bila i say sorry you nvm nvm, it hurts but it's okay bagai. srsly?

benda kecik tapi tah i terasa gila2. srslaaaa srs la srs la you nak marah sbb benda centu. and then you tell me "i miss you. okay tu je. bye." like seriously? you tell me that? what do you want me to do actually? srsly.... tah kelmarin tu i go to sleep and i wake up with you being mad at me. i clueless gila. sbb tu je pun you treat me coldly and yeah okay i take it as a fault of mine. tak bitau you every single thing i did in my life. sorry for that.

and okay sound so sym'pathetic' but srsly satu hari i rasa bodo. yeah yesterday i feel so stupid. i taktau la why should i feel that way. tah bila nak sihat hari2 sedih haha takpe la.

and one more. i think you dah boleh kot stop pretending like you care im sick im healthy so on so forth, when you know im easily getting sad or offended or whatlike and results that it'll affect my health. cam, takyah acah taknak aku mati kalau buat benda yg cam nak aku mati. ha centuuu you get me right?

dont worry, if anything happen it wont put any burden at you :)

and when i say i need time, you said "nanti dah okay, cita kat i eh." — what for? will you listen?

untuk apa?

and here i keep on telling why but no worries, i dont expect you to do anything. im fine.

oh yeah just so you know yesterday i got my food but i cant eat them and i ended up throwing them away. tatau laaa kenapa tapi srs guweh sedih haha. lels zeera benda kecik pun terasa ko ingat orang kisah? so pathetic.

boleh tahan la beli mahal2 and buang haha :)

idk where im going.

oh ya lepas baca ni tak payah say sorry sbb i penat.

that's all. the rest, biar i jela tahu.

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