


寄信給聯合國政府的網站: https://goo.gl/of8BYU

Sign theis petition to the UN before March 30th: https://goo.gl/of8BYU

(中文版本Mandarin version)近期聯合國發表一個有關兒童人權的草案,其中提及將禁止一切圖示、影片、相片、音訊、動畫等兒童色情,其中日本動畫產業將在影響範圍內,未來若法案通過的話將可能重擊動漫產業,損害動漫迷及創作者的權益,故將使用聯屬的方式來表達訴求。根據草案中說法,聯合國決定將兒童色情的範圍擴張到了照片、電影、圖畫、卡通動畫、音頻等任何數位媒體,並且不管文字敘述真實年齡設定在多少,只要明確涉及有關兒童真實或虛擬的情色活動,且「看起來像」小孩子就算兒童色情。也就是說得遵守兒童權利公約的定義,角色都要「看起來」是 18 歲以上。近期的Steam、Discord、Facebook和Twitter最新聲明和使用者條款可能就是在呼應這個事情的發生,這是一個不可忽視的國際時事。



  • 第一,動漫創作者在畫有關於蘿莉(小女孩)等東西時並沒有任何一個真實世界的小孩受到任何影響,也就是說在創作這些刊物(包括18禁)時並不會真的請小孩子來做這個事情,更不可能會有在創作時發生兒童色情一事。
  • 第二,我們動漫迷都知道是說我們所喜愛的動漫角色都是虛擬的,所以我們對於真實世界的小孩並不會懷有二心,畢竟二次元的孩子跟三次元的小孩是不同的,故不可能發生兒童色情。
  • 第三,對於那些戀童癖的人來說,不管是有沒有看過動漫的,都會想要性侵孩童,這種人反而是要去加以防範的,但是聯合國反而把毛頭指向動漫會對我們的身心造成影響,若是這樣的話,為何日本的孩童性侵率遠低於西方國家? 根據「聯合國」調查指出,日本綁架孩童機率從原本2004年的1.72/100,000降到2014年的0.99/100,000,而兒童性侵事件從原本2004年的30.1/100,000降到21.1/100,000,反觀在西方世界,我們舉英國為例,光是在英國的兒童綁架率從原本2004年的26.36上升到2014年的51.04,兒童性侵更是誇張,從原本2004年的136.7飆漲到2014年的271.5! 由此可見,是動漫生產大國的日本的兒童性侵率遠比西方世界還要小,這就否定了聯合國所述說的「動漫裡的蘿莉會對於一般人會產生色情的想法」
  • 第四,聯合國乃保障各國人權、政治、法律、和平、文化等事務的國際組織,而動漫產業乃是亞州的一個藝術指標,若這個不合實際的人權法案通過之後,不只是重挫動漫展業,也是對於動漫文化的一種傷害,最後原本說要維護各國文化的聯合國可能就會毀了整個動漫產業。



  1. 反對聯合國所提出的人權草案,因為這侵犯到動漫創作者的創作權和觀眾「觀賞」的權益。
  2. 反對任何社群平台刻意對動漫創作者施壓。
  3. 希望社區平台可以尊重創作者的創作,且給予適當保障。
  4. 面對動漫創作者應多鼓勵且少謾罵
  5. 希望新聞媒體可以不要刻意抹黑動漫產業,以誤導視聽。


(English Version):
Recently, United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) proposed an initiative dubbed Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (OPSC).In which, it expanded the definition of “Child Pornographic” as well as declaring that all forms of media that involves child pornographic will be banned. This include but not limited to media such as image, drawing, video, audio or animation. It is projected that many Japanese animation industries will be impacted by this proposal. As if the proposal were to be passed and formalized,this will cause damages not only to the industries, but also to the community and the creators. Thus, we would like to utilize this petition to relay our voices on this issue.

According to the proposal, United Nation (UN) decide to expand the definition of “Child Pornographic” to include” Picture, film, image drawing, cartoon animation,audio or other forms of media” Additionally, the stated age of the avatar would not be taken in to consideration when it comes to determination. As long as the above mention media, fictional or not, involves any forms of lewd child activity or as long as the avatar in question” looks like child” it will be considered child pornographic. In other word, in order to follow the expanded definition of Convention on the Rights of the Child, all character and avatar created will need to “look” above 18 years old. Recently, the latest announcements and updated End User Agreements issued by Steam, Discord, Facebook and Twitter are in reflection to this proposal. This is a multinational issue that can’t be ignored.

If this proposal where to be passed and formalized, the world-famous Japanese animation industries will brace the blunt of the impact. As almost 80-90% of character in a Japanese animation series met the definition of “Looking like under the age of 18”meaning that these characters will be specifically targeted by this proposal.In the end, these series by be forced to self-censor or be completely banned for broadcast. For example, a game series name “You Can Eat The Girl” was rated as Adult Only simply due to featuring girls that are underage and was rejected by Steam for listing claiming that the game feature “Child Pornographic”, even though the game itself does not feature any of these girls conducting lewd acts or any explicated sexual conducts. Example such as this will damage the right of both the creator of the series and the fans, as well as misleading the public. Thus, we believe, that by banning all underage girl in all media will not solve the child pornographic epidemic. United Nation has proposed the wrong measures to address this issue, in the end the may only have the counter effect.Therefore, we will discuss:

“Why banning all underage girls from animation or fiction will not effetely solve the child pornographic epidemic?”

  • First, when all of the creators who drew these underage girls or other similar avatar, there is not a single child in real life that has gotten affected because of it. In other word, when these creators are drawing these images(including explicated images), no actual child was involved in such process.Additionally, there was never a case of a child molestation or child sexual abuse occurred during these creation process.
  • Second, We, as a community, recognize that all our favorite anime characters are fictional. Thus, we do not have any second thought in regards to actual children. As fiction does not equate to reality, thus an act of child molestation or abuse would not occur.
  • Third, to the pedophiles or child abusers, they will sexually abuse a child no matter if they have watch anime in their life or not. These are the type of people that the UN should champion against, however instead they claim that these fictional animations and characters are the one to be blamed,leading people to conduct such actions. If this were to be the case, why is that the rate of sexual child abuse in Japan are far lower than other Western nations? Japan’s annual rate of child kidnapping went from 1.72 per 100,000 in 2004 lowered to a rate of 0.99 per 100,000 in 2014. As for child sexual abuse,the annual rate went from 30.1 per 100,000 lowered to a rate of 21.1 per 100,000. For comparison, in the United Kingdom the annual child kidnapping rate went from 26.36 per 100,000 in 2004 raised to 51.04 per 100,000 in 2014. The rate for child sexual abuse increased even more drastically, from a rate of 136.7 per 100,000 to 271.5 per 100,000 in 2014. Therefore, Japan, as a major animation creation nation has a much lower rate of child sexual abuse and child kidnapping rate than Western nations. This further disprove the notion pushed by UN that “Fictional underage girls in anime will cause normal human to conduct in child sexual abuse activity”.
  • Lastly, United Nation is a mutilation origination champion to protect all people’s human, political, legal rights as well as maintain international peace and preserve multinational cultures. Anime industries itself being one of the icons of Asian culture. If this unrealistic proposal were to be passed, it will not only impact the industries, it will also be an attack on the anime culture.Resulting UN destroying a culture that it claims to champion to protect.

As of currently,Facebook and Twitter had taken measures on this issue. Facebook had target hundreds of creator’s fan page and had begun a strict evolution process. Ever since July of last year, there are already hundreds of creators and community members that are affected. Thus, they begin to migrate to Twitter, until recently Twitter announced a similar guide line and policy. Stating that if your account were to be determine to contact such contents you will be banned from the platform. These incidents had created a wave of refugee in similar to the Middle East Refugee Crisis. That these talented creators and community members are forced to leave their home in search a place where they can survive doing what they are passionate about. Especially the creators, where they are forced to left behind a community that they have pour their heart and soul in for years, only to leave it due to official censorship. When will this issue be resolve? What platform will a can accept these people? These are the issue we need to have a dialogue about.

Thus, we would like to proposal 5 resolutions, in hopes to resolve these issues:

  1. We reject the proposal made by United Nation,as this proposal affect the rights of these creators as well as being an attack on the Freedom of Speech.
  2. We oppose to any official censorship made by these Social Media companies, as well as oppose to any under the table pressures made to the creators by these companies.
  3. We hope that these Social media platforms can respect these creations and the creators as well as given them a degree of comfort.
  4. We hope that the public can provide these creators more positive feedback instead of needless beratement.
  5. We hope that the main stream media can cease their attack on the anime industries and misleading the public about these industries.

Let us stress again, we are a community who like these fiction characters for what they are. We are no different then your average being, we just hope that the society as a whole respect our hobby. It is just that this proposal featured unwarranted attacks on the anime industries, therefore we decide to start this petition. We hope that you can share this to a fellow anime enthusiast and we ask any one who are able to translate this petition to their native language to further spread the message. Let us save the anime industries as well as our waifus.

(日本語 Japanese Version): 最近の国連が児童人権に関する草案を発表し、その中で、一切の図、映画、写真、音声、アニメーションなどの児童ポルノを禁止することを発表しました。その中で、日本アニメーションの産業は影響範囲内で、将来法案が通るとアニメ産業を再撃ち、アニメファンやクリエイターの権益を損なうことができます。 草案によると、国連は、児童ポルノの範囲を写真、映画、絵、アニメ、オーディオなど何人ものメディアに拡大することを決め、また文字は実際の年齢設定がどれほど設定されているかを問わず、児童の真実や仮想的な情色に関連していることを明確にすれば、「似ているように見える」子供はエロい。つまり、子どもの権利公約の定義を守らなければならないということで、キャラクターは「見て」が18歳以上だということです。最近のスタジオ、ディスク・ディスク、Facebook、Twitter、Twitterの最新の声明と使用者の条項は、この事の発生を呼応しているのかもしれないが、これは無視できない国際時事である。 この法案が可決された場合、日本のアニメ界は「18歳未満」という条件を満たしていた日本アニメーションの中では、「18歳未満」という条件にマッチしているので、その結果、これらの人物が対象になるという目標もあります。どんなポルノ要素だが、「ロリ」という関係があって18禁となっているだけに、クリエイターやアニメファンの権益が損なわれ、大衆にも迷い込んでしまう。


  • 第一に、アニメクリエイターは、ロリー(女の子)などのものについて描かれていて、真実の世界の子供が何の影響を受けていないのか、つまり、これらの刊行物(18禁を含む)を作ったときに、本当に子供にこのことをしてもらってはいけないということは、創作時に児童ポルノが発生することはありません。
  • 第二に、私達のアニメファンはすべて私たちの好きなアニメのキャラクターがすべて仮想であることを知っていて、だから私達は本当の世界の子供に対して2心を持っていないことを持っていないで、結局2次元の子供と三次元の子供は異なっていて、だから子供のエロが発生することはできません。
  • 第三に、恋をした癖のある人にとっては、アニメを見たことがあっても、子供を欲しがるという人は、かえって防備に行くことになるが、国連はかえって自分の体に影響を与えている。そうすれば、なぜ日本の子ども性が西洋の国に近いのか。子供の機率は、元2004年の1.72 / 100 , 000から2014年の0.99 / 100 , 000まで下がっていたが、子供の性毒事件は、元2004年の30 , 000 , 000から2000 , 000 , 000に下がったことから、西洋の世界では、イギリスを挙げて、イギリスでの子どもの拉致率は元々2004年の26・04から2014年の51.04まで上昇した。というのは、アニメの生産大国である日本の子どもの性侵略率が西洋の世界よりもはるかに小さいことから、国連が語る「アニメのロリーは一般人に対してエロい考えが生まれる」と否定した。
  • 第四に、国連は各国の人権、政治、法律、平和、文化などの国際組織を保障していますが、アニメ産業はアジアの一つの芸術指標であり、実際の人権法案が通過した後、アニメ展示業を繰り返すだけではなく、アニメ化に対するダメージの一つでもありますアニメ産業。



  1. 国連による人権草案は、アニメクリエイターの創作権と視聴者の「観賞」の権益を侵害しているからだ。
  2. どんな社会群のプラットフォームに反対してわざとアニメクリエイターに対して圧力をかけます。
  3. コミュニティプラットフォームはクリエイターの創作を尊重して、かつ適切な保障を与えることができることを望みます。
  4. アニメクリエイターに対して多くの励ましで罵倒しなければならない
  5. ニュースメディアは意図的に黒のアニメ産業を消してはならないことを望みます。


  • 聯合國新草案:動漫遊戲角色只要「看起來像兒童」就可能被制約(Yahoo新聞): https://goo.gl/oFhA4x
  • 【情報】聯合國新草案:動漫遊戲角色只要「看起來像兒童」就可能被制約(巴哈姆特): https://goo.gl/SEoKVr
  • U.N. Proposes Initiative To Ban Loli, Shota, And Underage ‘Drawings And Cartoons’: https://goo.gl/eJFnte
  • 聯合國人權草案: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRC/Pages/DraftGuidelinesOPs.aspx
  • FB凍結亂象? 動漫圖遭誤判不雅照竟鎖帳號(TVBS新聞) : https://goo.gl/VnrDCC
  • 推特新政策影響,日本繪師逃離移民台灣噗浪繼續飆車(Yahoo 新聞):https://goo.gl/usmmFk
  • 感謝來自巴哈的 小綠 拜託日本人翻譯
  • 感謝來自巴哈的John-117翻譯成英文

Source secure.avaaz.org

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