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Here is the help for Sudo Commands:

/addsudo [Username or Reply to a user]
/delsudo [Username or Reply to a user]

/usage - Dyno Usage.
/get_var - Get a config var from Heroku or .env.
/del_var - Delete any var on Heroku or .env.
/set_var [Var Name] [Value] - Set a Var or Update a Var on heroku or .env. Seperate Var and its Value with a space.
/update - Update Bot.
/speedtest - Check server speeds
/maintenance [enable / disable]
/logger [enable / disable] - Bot logs the searched queries in logger group.
/get_log [Number of Lines] - Get log of your bot from heroku or vps. Works for both.

/activevideo - Check active video calls on bot.
/stats - Check Bots Stats

/whitelistchat [CHAT_ID] - Whitelist any blacklisted chat from using Music Bot
/blacklistedchat - Check all blacklisted chats.

/unblock [Username or Reply to a user] - Remove a user from Bot's Blocked List.
/blockedusers - Check blocked Users Lists

/gban [Username or Reply to a user] - Gban a user from bot's served chat and stop him from using your bot.
/ungban [Username or Reply to a user] - Remove a user from Bot's gbanned List and allow him for using your bot
/gbannedusers - Check Gbanned Users Lists

/set_video_limit [Number of Chats] - Set a maximum Number of Chats allowed for Video Calls at a time. Default to 3 chats.
/videomode [download|m3u8] - If download mode is enabled, Bot will download videos instead of playing them in M3u8 form. ByDefault to M3u8. You can use download mode when any query doesnt plays in m3u8 mode.

/authorize [CHAT_ID] - Allow a chat for using your bot.
/unauthorize [CHAT_ID] - Disallow a chat from using your bot.
/authorized - Check all allowed chats of your bot.

/broadcast [Message or Reply to a Message] - Broadcast any message to Bot's Served Chats.

options for broadcast:
-pin : This will pin your message
-pinloud : This will pin your message with loud notification
-user : This will broadcast your message to the users who have started your bot.
-assistant : This will broadcast your message from assistant account of your bot.
-nobot : This will force your bot to not broadcast message

Example: /broadcast -user -assistant -pin Hello Testing

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