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💡 Setting Up:

• Add the bot and user account in your group with admin rights.
• Start a voice chat in your group & restart the bot if not joined to vc.
• Use /play [video name] or use /play as a reply to an video file or youtube link.

💡 Common Commands:

• /start - start the bot
• /help - shows the help
• /current - show current track
• /playlist - shows the playlist

💡 Admins Commands:

• /seek - seek the video
• /skip - skip current video
• /stream - start live stream
• /pause - pause playing video
• /resume - resume playing video
• /mute - mute the vc userbot
• /unmute - unmute the vc userbot
• /leave - leave the voice chat
• /shuffle - shuffle the playlist
• /volume - change vc volume (0-200)
• /replay - play from the beginning
• /clrlist - clear the playlist queue
• /restart - update & restart the bot
• /setvar - set/change heroku configs
• /getlogs - get the ffmpeg & bot logs

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