

today is saturday and tonight is sunday night. the atmosphere in paris is so cool and hundreds of people are having romance with their partners, dancing, cycling, hugging, etc. all about the romance of love that is still firmly attached to the eiffel tower, the tower with the best romantic moments in the world. saves its own romantic beauty for anyone who comes to paris, the small green grass around the eiffel tower area, the yellow lights that are so warm and illuminate the eiffel tower make the atmosphere even more romantic. tonight I will spend a date in paris with my boyfriend. he is very possessive and loves dating romance. we biked around the city of paris with the romance of love between us. the faint warm breeze of the sepoy that completes the date tonight, after touring the city I ended to dance on the eiffel tower, a tower that contains romance attached in every corner. dancing to the rhythm of singing ancient songs that are so romantic, tonight is really romantic and makes my whole life unforgettable experience with him.

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