


Nom. asli aku suka bangeeet sama aura mu, kayaa kelihatan gituu dehhh. aku suka aja, apa lagi lia nya nge dukung banget! kaya ada vibe kalem tapii nga terlalu gitu deh. kaya campur aduk ajaa, lilii KAMU TUH KELIHATAN DEWASAAA BANGGEET??? kayaaa awalnyaa aku ngelihat profile muu kaya kalemm gt deh trss kelihatan type orakg yangg ngomong se butuh nya ajaaa 🥶🥶 tapii kelihatan humble jugaaaaa, liee kamu kayaaaa nya akrab bgtt ya sama mutuals mu???? kelihatan sih. kamuu humble baaangett menurutkuu, terus lebih ke soft gituuu ngerti nggggaaa… you must have lots of friends, because you seem social butterfly with everyone! akuu ngga tsrlalu kenal kamu sih soalnya baru tadi 👀 you are really really cool i like it. to be honest kamu kerennn bangeett. Nomi, marrie taking sherly out for Valentine's Day to cheer them up after their original plans with someone else fell through. As marrie tries their best to make sherly happy and succeeds after only a few attempts, sherly realizes they would have rather been with marrie anyways. set-up, personality, typing! :0 👩‍💻💬🐚 Nom-Nomi, i think im inlove. fuck, marry, kiss. Jiheon! lucuu lo kaya cocok aja gitu sama jiheon vibe nya kaya gemes gituu. suka

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