

He saw a hideous evil that day and still chose to protect them, an action he grows to regret, calling them "monkeys" for the first time as he looks back on the memory. Yuki Tsukumo educated Suguru during a conversation with the information that non-sorcerers are the main reason curses are born. Cursed energy flows far more freely out of them compared to normal sorcerers. Yuki either wanted to eradicate cursed energy from all of humanity or teach everyone how to control it. This made Suguru come up with a third solution: killing all non-sorcerers. When Yuki asked Suguru if he hated non-sorcerers, but he wasn't able to answer. He replied that he used to think protecting non-sorcerers was right but began doubting if they're worth fighting for. Unable to tell the difference between the preciousness and ugliness of the week, Suguru compared being a jujutsu sorcerer to running a marathon where the finish line is much too unclear. She advised him to choose between the side of him that's devoted to being a jujutsu sorcerer and the other side that looks down on non-sorcerers. After losing young Yu Haibara, Suguru's enthusiastic junior, the unsure young sorcerer revised the idea that being a jujutsu sorcerer is like running a marathon where the end of the road is just a mountain made of his fellow sorcerer's corpses. On a mission following that incident, Suguru finds two young girls being mistreated by non-sorcerers for having curse-related abilities. Suguru finally made his decision in that moment. He rescued the two girls and killed all one hundred and twelve residents of the village, officially becoming a curse user and leaving his Jujutsu High pin behind. Suguru chose the true side of himself, deciding that he doesn't like monkeys and will fight for a world of only sorcerers.

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