

happy valentine’s day bayi👶🏻
  1. hi
  2. i love u
  3. i fell in love with ravel
  4. you make me always happy
  5. you make me feel safe
  6. you always respect me
  7. you always appreciate me
  8. you treat me very well
  9. you always protect me
  10. you can understand my feelings
  11. you forgive me quickly
  12. you always here for me
  13. you always made my day better
  14. you’re so loveable
  15. u always give me updates about what ur doing
  16. you’re cute
  17. you turned me into a better person
  18. you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me
  19. you make me feel like i can get thru anything
  20. ravel is really nice pipel
  21. i love spending time with u
  22. you appreciate me in every way
  23. klo di peluk ravel rasanya kaya dunia ini baik baik bakal selalu baik baik aja
  24. you are special
  25. u loves me
  26. i love the way you unyel unyel my pipi
  27. i love the way you hold my hands
  28. i love the way you play with my hair
  29. you treat me like a princess🤪
  30. he makes me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet🌎
  32. kamu ngangenin
  33. kamu sayang aku
  34. kamu bayi aku
  35. kamu punya aku
  36. kamu kesayangan aku titik
  37. aku sayang kamu banget banget
  38. ur my happy pill’s
  39. u always protect me
  40. u are more than enough
  41. u are all i want
  42. kamu paket komplit
  43. paket panas special mcd kalah special nya sama kamu
  44. you taught me to love not only you, but also myself
  45. u make me happy when im mad
  46. u make me feel like i’m at home
  47. km ngerespon semua kebawelan aku
  48. kamu selalu berusaha buat ngertiin aku dalam kondisi apapun
  49. kamu lucu
  50. kamu hargain aku
  51. kamu care sm aku
  52. kamu pinter
  53. kamu nyebelin tp gemesin
  54. kamu tanggepin semua lawakan yang galucu aku
  55. suara km kalo lg ngantuk bnrbnr lucu sm ganteng bgt 😘
  56. i love u somuch bby
  57. i lovee u bayii
  58. i lovee uuu sayangggkuu
  59. i really love u with all my heart
  60. he’s literally the best thing in my life
  61. aku gasabar ravel bisa keluar rumah biar bisa pelukan seharian
  62. gasabar peluk ravel 100jam
  63. gasabar cium bgt
  64. gasabar elus pala km
  65. gasabar ketemu
  66. sayang aku kangen banget..
  67. aku kangen banget.. banget.. 😔
  68. pengen ketemu sepecepetnya
  69. pengen ketemu skrng jg
  70. bismillah semoga ketemu sebelom maret yaa! gasabar peluk kamu💖
  71. stop nyuruh fortune cookies😇
  72. maaf kalau aku nyebelin
  73. makasih udaah sayang sama akuu
  74. makasihh udaah mencoba jadi yang terbaik buat akuu
  75. makasih buat semuaa yang kamu udah lakuin ke akuuu
  76. maakasihh banget udah ngebahagiaain akuu
  77. makasih udah dateng ke hidup akuu dan kenal aku lebih dalem lagii
  78. makasihh buaat waktu yang kamu udah kasih kee akuu
  79. akuu sayaang bgt samaa kamuu
  80. aku bakal selalu berusaha lakuin yang terbaik vel buat kamu..
  81. km bisa ngejadiin aku buat jadi versi yang lebih baik buat setiap harinya
  82. maaf kalau aku masih banyak kurangnya
  83. maaf kalau aku suka ga jelas
  84. maaf kalau aku pernah ngecewain km
  85. kamu cowo idaman🥺🥺
  86. kamu seru bgtt sumpaahh
  87. kamuu baik bangeetttt
  88. km seseru itu dan gapernah gagal buat akuu happy
  89. you accept me for who really i am
  90. u are my favorite person
  91. u are wonderful
  92. u are adorable
  93. apa itu valentine?? aku sayang kamu setiap hari🥺🥺
  94. seminggu lagi kita 3 bulan YEYY
  95. tetep bareng bareng yaa sayang😘
  96. i lovee u from marinir to pulo asem
  97. he gives me a lot of love💞
  98. ravel is my number one support system
  99. u are my best support system
  100. ravel is the person that i trust the most beside my family and my friends
  101. home is wherever i’m with u
  102. by tetep sama aku yaa? no matter what happens between us..
  103. i always love u
  104. ravel itu berharga bgt buat aku..
  105. aku sayang bgt sm ravel
  106. kalo ravel bilang goodnight pasti tidur aku selalu nyenyak
  107. kalo ravel bilang goodmorning pasti aku selalu happy setiap bangun tidur
  108. ravel care bgt sm akuu
  109. ravel is the person that kenza loves
  110. ravel can understand my feelings
  111. u always tell me the truth
  112. u always making time for me
  113. he is perfect for me
  114. falling in love with you was the easiest thing i’ve ever done
  115. you treat me exactly how i want treated by a man
  116. i love you because you are everything to me
  117. i love you more than i can describe in words
  118. i love you because you complete me
  119. i love you because i’ve loved you since the beginning
  120. i love you because you’re you
  121. you’re Ravel, and that’s why i will always find a reasons to always love u.

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