

N & H

Dear Mr. Naja, 

today is a valentine day, the only time I have realized I have secretly fallen for you is when everything around me reminds me of you, in the smallest things, and the most unexpected moments, and I cannot tell you a single thing about it. hdhwkfuks iya na gua juga ada rasa sama lu kenapa ya, gua baru bilang nya sekarang? kaga tau sih aneh ya gua, mungkin lagi waktunya hari valentine (?) WKWK. bilang kalau ini cringet please%{¥< gua jarang kaya gini, tapi sekalinya gini jadi awkward 🤠 

once again, Happy Valentine Naja. SORRY GUA GABISA BUAT YANG MEWAH2, hope you like it. jangan lupa buka playlist gua kalau ada spotify ✌🏻

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