

Inside Rick Owens & Michele Lamy’s Paris Home:

Photo I: Sculpture by Horst Egon Kalinowski in the meeting
Photo II: In the library, the couch, triangular stool and shelving all designed by RO
Photo III: A daybed covered in suede with a sable blanket, both by Owens, whose designs are sold through Salon 94 in New York City and Gallerie Pierre-Marie Giraud in Brussels.
Photo IV: An installation of objects on Owens’s desk includes a skull and Roc crystals.
Photo V: Owens’s minimalist shower
Photo VI: A brass-topped table by Owens
Photo VII: The Owens-designed bed is pine plywood covered in cashmere felt.
Photo VIII: Owens leans against a concrete sink in a bathroom he designed.

Photos by. François Halard

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